The Trick of the Beast: Control Units in Wisconsin
I am writing about this unfair Wisconsin DOC racist system and how they are confining prisoners to “Super Max” solitary but dressing it up, saying it’s a maximum security prison. See, the oppressor has found a way to use this maximum security prison, which was really supermax, by changed the name when people started protesting about the conditions of the people who they were holding.
Supermax was supposed to be for the worst of the worst, but by this system not having enough so-called “worst of the worst” prisoners to fill 600 and something beds, they had to do something to keep this prison running and generating revenue for their community. So they started sending any prisoner who receives 180 days in segregation or more to Supermax. They did that for a little while until the outside got wind of it, then the head people tried to change it up, by changing the name and making half of it a maximum prison and the other half a program prison, but all of it is still run like a supermax prison.
When supermax was running, a person had to be screened by the psychologist to see if they are stable enough to be placed there, and now they are using the same methods for the people they are sending to that same prison which is supposed to be a maximum prison now.
My question is, why are people being screened to see if they are fit to be placed in another maximum prison? Whereas, when a prisoner is being transferred to any other max prison they are not being screened, it’s just when one is being transferred to this prison that they are screened.
This institution does not have all of the same privileges as the other maximum prisons in Wisconsin, which shows this institution is not run like other max’s. Therefore, prisoners are being held there illegally because there are stipulations that a prisoner being confined in administrative confinement should only be held up to 7 years. No, by this not really being a max, but being run like a supermax, prisoners are not really in general population, but are in administrative confinement with a few more privileges.