the Time to Act is Now
NAS told us “ghetto prisoners rise” and Bob Marley asked “How long shall they kill our prophets?” It’s been going on for years, yet we have failed to grasp on to a sincere movement with righteous motives. When the Europeans landed here they drove off the inhabitants or enslaved them. Sounds familiar to the immigration issues of today. Then they enslaved over 10 million native Africans throughout the “new world.” Sounds like the incarceration and slave laboring of the Black and Latino youth of today through prison industries.
Now they don’t have to kill our prophets like Martin, Malcolm, and Hampton. They just imprison them on anything they can to stop a movement. Education is the key to unlock the doors that block us and communication is the keyring that holds it together. Ghetto prisoners rise, rise, rise, united we stand and divided we fall. When the CIA killed Ernesto “Che” Guevera, he exclaimed “go ahead, what are you waiting for, you will only kill a man.” Meaning his purpose, and meaning for which he fights will still live on. If we stand idle we are with the oppressor. Nelson Mandela said “If you fail to help the oppressed you become the oppressor.” Don’t be my oppressor. Revolution starts with the mistreatment of people, not a revolutionary.
Their objective is to keep you deaf, dumb and blind. Ignorance is suicide, they run their agenda through propaganda, spreading rumors and lies through their media. Zach de la Rocha said “fear is your only god” but don’t let fear put you in check. The time to act is now, unite. “Penitentiaries is packed with promise makers, never realize the precious time these bitch niggas is wasting.” - 2Pac