The Pacifier
I’m an prisoner in the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PADOC) this is my second run inside the claws of Pennsylvania Judicial System and Department of Corrections.
The scary thing now is what I call “the pacifier”. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has “Game Rooms” now. Filled with Nintendo Switch (hand-held game system), PlayStation 5, Xbox 1 and throw Madden tournaments along with 2k tournaments. This is the system’s control.
The young generation is being pulled away from the law libraries, school and what’s most important to their release. Keep the youth from the tools and the system doesn’t have to worry about any revolution. The prisons in the PA D.O.C. suspend you for a minimum of six (6) months from the “Game Room” if you receive a misconduct. So the younger generations is tucking their tales and playing games instead of suiting up for the real world and their release.
Thanks to the pacifier, it’s even more important we organize and reach our youth. If not prisons will be seen as playgrounds and acceptable. Maybe I’m wrong. When I started coming to prison there were no tablets, TV’s in the Restricted Housing Unit (R.H.U.) or game rooms. Guys actually like being here.
We need to Reach Our Youth.
MIM(Prisons) adds: In response to our reader survey this year asking if there’s been changes in prisons that make people less likely to subscribe to ULK, a North Carolina prisoner suggested digital entertainment as a cause:
“Change to prison system, yes. Less interested in subscribing, maybe. With tablets a lot of guys don’t care about mail any more. We have GTL tablets. Maybe try to get our content loaded on there? News Inside does, for free.”