Signing petition to shut down all control units
I agree that control units are not productive means of rehabilitating prisoners for productive living in society, but do the exact opposite of their original purpose. Control units starve life mentally and physically, creating an insensible life. These control units create this insensible life by: 23 hour lock down (sometimes more), no religious programs, no school of any type of educational purpose. Maximum $10 store (no food products), one roll of toilet paper every two weeks and anything else punishable and inhumane the system can get away with such as excessive temperatures, followed by abuse of authority.
By no means is this program of life in control units to help a person be better than when they entered. I know this ala because I am a victim.
I condemn these control units and demand the united states to eliminate these unconstitutional disciplinary control units.
MIM(Prisons) adds: See our web page on prison control units for more information on this campaign.