Dear MIM, … I have not received anything since March. Being in D.D.U., I would have guessed that my mail was being help up or turned away. But I have a bit of a story for you.
On July 2, 1997, I was released from D.D.U. at 9:00 am. I was assigned a cell out in population. I cleaned this cell’s walls, floor and the toilet before I fixed up my stuff in the places I wanted it to be placed.
At 2:30 in the afternoon, I was done. And no sooner had I sat down than 7-10 officers were at my cell door ordering me to cuff up. I asked why and was ignored. I asked to see the captain and was denied. After a while, I cuffed up and I was brought back to D.D.U. for no reason, with no explanation. That’s how dirty they are here in Walpole State Prison.
In Struggle,
– A Massachusetts Prisoner
P.S. I even got the same cell back in D.D.U. (How nice)