Responses to ULK4 on censorship
I’d like to comment on some of the articles written by prisoners in September’s ULK. While I haven’t finished reading it just yet, only the prisoner articles, I quite enjoyed the ULK. This edition should’ve been titled “The Censorship Issue.”
It’s true that institutions throughout the country focus only on Black and Brown oriented magazines, citing “pornographic material” or “gang paraphernalia.” Now this doesn’t just have to do with “Vibe” or “XXL” or “Maxim en Espanol.” Even “ESPN en Espanol” has begun to be targeted within SVSP. Now last I checked “ESPN en Espanol” focuses on soccer and sports in Latin America in general and last I checked there weren’t many scantily clad women in this magazine. So what’s the deal? It seems that since many adult institutions so successfully banned pornographic materials, such as pictures and magazines, now they’re trying to stop us from appreciating our own women who aren’t even naked in these magazines. Now that they see that they can get away with this they seem to move on to sports magazines stating that they can’t understand the language therefore there’s a possibility that coded messages might be hidden somewhere in the text or some other frivolous, ridiculous reason.
To me this seems like a type of aggressive assimilation. You can’t look at brown/black women, but you can look at some fancy white model in Vogue magazine. Also I recall seeing an issue of GQ magazine sometime back with an article about a supposed member of the CRIPS gang in Watts. In this article there were a few pictures which, if found in Vibe or any other culturally oriented magazine, would’ve deemed the magazine a “safety and security risk” to the institution, but because it was in good ’ol GQ, no one batted an eye. I’m sure they don’t even bother to crack those open for inspection in the mail rooms inside institutions across Amerikkka.
Another article that caught my attention in the ULK was the plight of the South Carolina inmate. There seems to be a lot wrong with what’s going on over there. To begin with, by law every institutional law library must be properly stocked and equipped with adequate and up to date legal materials. Off hand I can’t remember the title of the case but I believe this has already been decided in the U.S. Supreme Court. Next time I go to law library I’ll try to find it.
Also concerning the New Mexico inmate whose grievances are not being responded to, it would be a good idea if he acquired declarations from other inmates there who’ve gone through similar experiences he could use these declarations to show the court how the prison refuses to let prisoners exhaust their remedies. This is what I’m doing for a couple of guys here whose civil suits were dismissed in the district court due to supposedly not exhausting the remedies. They are now appealing in the 9th Circuit and my declarations of how I found 602s and legal mail in the trash will hopefully be helpful.