Proof!: The State Lies in Order to Censor
On October 17 I received Under Lock & Key 22 even though I was not supposed to. It was a mistake made by an officer who was passing out mail. Attached to the publication was a notice to prisoners of statewide disapproval of the publication; this particular issue has been banned statewide. I was supposed to sign this notice to verify I’ve been informed but luckily the officer was distracted by his duty of distributing mail and instead of having me sign the notice attached to ULK 22, he just slid them both under my door.
When I realized what the notice was for, I grew kind of excited. The kind of excitement one has when you feel you just got over on someone in power. This made me even more interested in the ULK publication. First, because I’m thinking I’m the only one statewide who has one. And second I know this publication has material and information the state doesn’t want me to know; why else would they ban it statewide?
Before I began to read the ULK, I read over the notice to find out exactly why this particular publication was banned. The notice said: “The publication/material violates Division of Prisons Policy at Section D.O 109 and is disapproved for the reason listed ‘violence, disorder, insurrection or terrorist/gang activities against individuals, groups, organizations, the government or any of its institutions.’” With that my excitement grew even more, thinking I obtained material of such nature. The notice went on to say that this “violence, disorder, insurrection…” was on page 4 of the publication.
I immediately thumbed to page 4 and found the headline “Time for Peaceful Revolution” written boldly atop the article. I began to read. I was confused. I retrieved the Notice to Inmate of Statewide Disapproved Publication once again to make sure I read it correctly, and I had. I was so confused that I had to go over the article once more because maybe I misread!
I was confused by the reasons given for banning this material. It was banned because it was supposedly promoting violence, disorder and so forth against individuals, groups, organizations, the government or any of its institutions. But really, one hundred percent honest, the article was speaking of a peaceful revolution. In none of its lines through the article did it speak of violence against anyone. It spoke of unity amongst the many LOs and a little history of Kingism.
It was then that I really and truly realized the power we have amongst us if only we could just unite as one and struggle together. I realized it’s not us as individuals who they are afraid of, it’s we as a people who they fear. Why else would they ban an article speaking of a peaceful revolution and that urges others to come together as one? And also, it’s not necessarily violence that they avoid, it’s a revolution, period! It’s not how we go about the revolution that frightens them, whether its violently or peacefully, it’s simply the thought of a revolution, an end to their domination over us, that unsettles them.
And they will do what they have to do in order to maintain control, whether it’s murder, imprison or, in our case, censor mail. If the officer hadn’t mistakenly given me the ULK 22 I would have actually thought that maybe MIM(Prisons) was influencing violence. But now the truth is out and it has me in question about the other publications that were banned. Were they really banned because of the reason these prison administrators told you they were? I don’t think so.
Our rights are being trashed! We must, I repeat, we must, stand up for our rights. Fight censorship!
Campaign info:
Build a United Front for Peace in Prisons
Stop Censorship by North Carolina Department of Public Safety
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