Prisoner Deaths, Mail Tampering at Stiles in Texas
It’s been a while since I’ve been in contact with you. I’ve been pretty busy trying to get help legal-wise and medical-wise over this bus wreck that I was involved in while I was riding in a TDCJ-ID bus. I’ve been trying to get a copy of the accident report from the Beaumont Sheriff’s Dept. Office. I keep getting the run-around by the Sheriff’s spokesman and sent to the Texas OIG Investigations Office. I’m now having surgeries on my neck, knees and back. I can’t get no attorney to accept my case against TDCJ.
The federal courts will not go against TDCJ here in Beaumont because the Mark W. Stiles Unit hires all the welfare and unemployment people here in Beaumont. Now the Stiles Unit is in violation of the Safe Prisons Act, Ruiz Suit and PREA because the Stiles Unit is 15% under-staffed. There are more illegal drugs being consumed here on this Unit than there are on the outside of those fences. There are offender deaths every week due to these drugs. The grievance system does not work. The Step 1 (I-127) and Step 2 (I-128) are being withheld and answered here on the Unit or thrown away.
I’ve written to several Civil Rights organizations and haven’t gotten any answers. I need to get an attorney that’s out-of-state to handle my bus wreck and get me the proper medical help that I need for my injuries. I write my family for help but they receive an envelope with no letter in it. The mail room supervisor Ms. Willis blames the Beaumont Post Master’s Office for my letter not being in the envelope. My envelopes are supposed to be sealed when leaving this Unit so the letter should be in the sealed envelope, which it is not. It won’t surprise me if you get an empty envelope also. I haven’t received any of your issues this year. I need an up-to-date Texas Pack if it’s possible and a list of pro bono attorneys in California that practice law in Texas. Please let me know if you received this letter.