Prison workers paid overtime for 2 hours labor
The program at this prison is getting worse and changing daily. The new excuse is the budget. We are only getting program every other day because they can’t afford to pay staff overtime. What a joke! On the days we are locked down it’s common to see 10 cops sitting on their fat, overpaid asses, on the yard and eating sunflower seeds.
I overheard a nurse saying that she was working a double shift. She said she was making $48.50 an hour. Her job consists of dispensing medication to prisoners. What the hell, this lady is making $582 for her 16 hour day, she passes out pills two times a day, it takes about one hour to dispense pills so she is actually doing 2 hours of work and the rest of her day she sits and complains that our economy is messed up. Damn! She is why our economy is what it is.
They are still shipping people to different states. A bus load left a few days ago for Arizona. They will not transfer anyone who has any medical or dental issues or if you are CCCMS. By a prisoner agreeing to transfer they are helping this state. It’s crazy that California not only has the biggest prison system but now we are taking over the prisons in other states. When will it stop.
They changed the name to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. They offer no form of rehabilitation on this yard. Do you know if I could file a lawsuit for false advertisement?