Prison Organizer Falsely Validated, Transferred and Fighting Back
I was the vice president of an organization called the Long Term Offenders (LTO) which was making a lot of progress with the people and producing drastic change within the prison itself. Before my position with the LTO I was receiving material from numerous groups and corresponding with multiple movements, but as soon as I got into this position and the watchdogs saw how the prison as a whole embraced our platform and supported our cause, which was in the best interest of the prisoners, the watchdogs began to keep a close eye on us, specifically on me. I caught wind that the administration was inquiring about me and I’m sure they received more than a few tips that “he’s radical” or “he’s always talking about the Panthers,” from their in-house snitches.
The watchdogs began to monitor my calls and mail and saw that I correspond with a lot of liberation movements which they’ve labeled as “terrorist” groups. Then they began confiscating our mail (things I’ve received for years) saying it’s promoting radical ideas about overthrowing the government which is a “threat to security” and not allowed.
In August 2014, the Security Threat Group inspection committee summoned me to their office inquiring about the Black Panther Party and Maoist material MIM(Prisons) sent me. I explained to them that I’m a facilitator, therefore I have an obligation to be well versed on a multitude of subjects. Because they weren’t satisfied with my response, they stripped me of my clothes and examined my tattoos. They falsely labeled me as a “Blood” because of a crown I have on top of the word “King.” They knew they needed something to justify any further action they choose to take on me, and by me being labeled as a gang member, that’s all they need.
On 3 September 2014, I was placed in the hole under investigation because they confiscated the article I wrote for you all in another Ohio prison. They assumed it was me because of the content, but there were no names written or printed to confirm their allegations. The day they chose to label me falsely, they drew their weapons and aimed to kill mentally and physically, but I will not die a slave, I will live long as a revolutionary.
The watchdogs from Ohio’s Department of Rehabilitation Center came to pay me a visit in the hole, hoping to scare me into submission by throwing threats about how they’d send me to another state if I kept “teaching/reading that bullshit” and they also claimed I was on the FBI terrorist watchlist because of my affiliation with “anti-government” groups.
After 2.5 months in the hole they transferred me again, claiming I was a “threat to the order of operations.” I’ve been here almost a month and have already started where I left off and have begun building the movement! There are a lot of street tribes here (Bloods and Crips) but few know they come from the Black Liberation Movements (BLM) or their original goals and purposes. I need to be able to reach these cats on that level so if possible could you send me materials on gang history and their connection to the BLM. When I was in the hole, the watchdogs confiscated all my reading material so I need you to help me recuperate from my losses.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade is experiencing the repression that so many prison (and street) organizers face when they start to become effective in educating and organizing the people for revolutionary change. This was the focus of our last issue of Under Lock & Key. As this example demonstrates, the gang validation system is a tool of repression. It often has nothing to do with the gangs they claim are security threats or with preventing crime or violence. This is because they are not allowed to throw you in the hole just for being Black anymore. The liberal left demands that the tools of oppression must evolve for those in power to stay in power under imperialism.
We condemn gang validations and long-term isolation aggressively because they are two of the biggest weapons being used against the imprisoned lumpen. And both of these weapons are contradictory to the principles of this country’s founding documents. The government want to fool the public into thinking prisoners are criminals and that is why they are being treated this way. But this repression is directly related to how the state handled the BLM of the 1960s and 70s, and to how they handle oppressed people fighting for basic rights all over the world. It is all about maintaining the imperialist system, where a minority prospers.