Prison Labor Stats in Texas
How many prisoners (slaves) at this facility: 500, it’s a so-called transfer facility. More like a large holding cell or big shoe box where you stay for up to 2 years.
How many of them work?: All except the medically unassigned, seg and medium custody.
What do they work for?: To avoid negative retaliation by TDCJ (example, I am currently in seg becaues I refused to work in TDCJ forced labor.)
What work do they do?: Kitchen workers, SSI, Broom squad, laundry, over half of them work in the “hoe squad”. Field work is all forced labor.
How much do they get paid? What is that question, some kind of joke? Sorry. Nothing. No one gets any type of compensation other than to please parole (like a rabitt with a carrot typed to the end of a stick) or to avoid catching a case and being placed on discipline.
All TDCJ offenders are forced to perform labor under one type of direct threat or another. How they are able to keep the lid on this I don’t know.