Pelican Bay Striker: Drastic Approach Needed
I am one of the participants involved in the peaceful protest at Pelican Bay, basically and simply just to challenge our predicament. We’ve exhausted all other resources but no one within the system listens to our cries for human decency and respect. We are expected to abide by the designed laws of the state, but when we elect to exercise so-called given rights, we are condemned for such action.
A peaceful protest presents us the opportunity to demonstrate our humanity contrary to the misguided propaganda that’s utilized to degrade and demean our intelligence. It is definitely a drastic approach and sometimes when there are no doable options, its necessary to take the struggle to the next level of development. Dialectical materialism teaches us about the science of reason and logical development in order to reach a synthesis to whatever that contradiction is, anything that isn’t growing is definitely stagnant!