Pelican Bay a dead end
I’ve been in CU [Control Unit]. We’re allowed to go to the yard, but we have to go to the concrete yard. The concrete yard is about two times the size of the cell we’re living in. Nobody to talk to or work out with.
The most humiliating thing taking place here in the department of corrections Pelican Bay State Prison is this: the institution shows what are called institutional movies for the prisoners - the movies are purchased with funds from institutional welfare. But the kinds of movies we’re allowed to watch are rated PG. It’s like they are trying to put the prisoners in a child’s state of mind. The whole prison is considered a control institution, but it is an insult to a grown man to have to watch children’s movies. We’re talked to like children, and when we speak up as men we’re written up.
The institutional program is supposed to be racially balanced, but I’ll demonstrate just how racist it is in here. A while back I filed a grievance about them taking my walkman. They told me that I couldn’t possess a walkman and a typewriter. They denied my petition arguing that I could have both. But another prisoner who is white filed the same argument and they gave him his typewriter. Now they let everyone get typewriters, but only after a petition was filed by a white prisoner.
There isn’t any program for a lifer in here. I can’t even take care of myself. I have a job in which I make 13 cents an hour, and I get paid for just two hours a day.