Peace Movement Destroyed in Infancy
The administration’s view of UZI is so dark due to two major words within our radical title (United & Independence). They fear the unity of the lumpen, and they see the independent thinker as a serious threat.
I will keep in contact with the United Front for Peace in Prisons to let you know of our progress to rebuild.
It Don’t Stop!
MIM(Prisons) responds: UZI had been an active participant in
pushing for a United Front for Peace in Prisons, working with
MIM(Prisons) for just over a year before their demise at the hands of
the state. We
hear they were doing prom- ising truce work between
lumpen organizations in their region. As they allude to, they were very
careful about the language used in their literature so that it could not
be misconstrued to be something of a “crim- inal” nature or promoting
forbidden behavior within the Missouri DOC. Despite all this, the DOC
still saw it appropriate to brutally crush this peace movement,
demonizing any attempt by oppressed nations to organize. We expect that
more New Afrikan blood will be shed in Missouri as a direct result of
this ob- struction of peace, and this blood will be on the hands of the
COINTELPRO-type forces.