OR prisoner locked down/fined for not making bed
I have currently signed up for your MIM Notes. But due to my recent transfer to another “Correctional Facility” I am delayed in my response back to you. Fortune has it that another comrade is on my tier to help me out.
He read to me from your latest edition about Control Units, SHU, IMU, DSU, and AD-SEG. I am currently serving 16 years (190 mo) under mandatory minimum sentencing guidelines (Measure 11) and have spent 7 years in DSU and IMU. I have not even stabbed anyone or killed a cop and yet Oregon Dept of Corruptions has kept me consistently locked down for not lining my shoes up under my bunk, hanging too many shirts on my clothing hooks, and various disobediences of order and disrespect.
As your article alluded to, I have lost a good deal of my long range and medium range vision. And because the ODOC doesn’t provide toothpaste, only baking soda, my teeth are rotting out of my mouth due to lack of Flouride and breaking because baking soda is an abrasive which strips tooth enamel, making the teeth susceptible to cracking and breaking.
It’s not like providing inmates with toothpaste would break the bank. DOC confiscates inmate money for every and all rule violations. I recently got fined $75.00 for not making my bed in a timely and fashionable manner. Times this by 20,000 inmates a week and “Inmate Welfare fund” has the money for basic elements of hygiene.