No release resources in California prisons
First and foremost I want to start this missive by extending my respect and thanking my people at MIM for showing so much love to us convicts. I recently received your newsletters and I am strongly motivated to become a part of the struggle. I like the way my people at MIM view things and I believe if we stay loyal to each other we can make a change.
I think the only way us convicts can get rehabilitated is if we rehabilitate ourselves. I say this because the authorities get paid regardless of whether we get better or not, so they can care less about our rehabilitation. So if us convicts don’t utilize the knowledge from places like MIM or whatever we can get our hands on, then rehabilitation is only a word. We are stuck in a situation where us convicts and our comrades on the outside must stick together and be strong to overcome the obstacles we both face. Each one teach one. We all need each other. Because this system is made for failure.
That’s why they don’t like to give us helpful information about the world outside, for example: last year I was next door to a youngster who was only 23 and had been locked up since he was 13. He came from CYA to prison and didn’t know anything about the real world. He told me he was afraid to parole because he didn’t have no place to go. So I helped him as much as I could, and I even asked my mom to let him parole to her home.
Well my mom agreed, and when he paroled he lived with my mom and her brother for six months until my mom helped him find a job, get his identification card, and paid for a little studio apartment for him. She even took him to the DMV, got him to take the drivers test, and gave him her 1997 Toyota. But the cold thing is that when he was in prison he was sending request forms to the law library to find resource addresses that would help him once released. But they always told the young brotha that they didn’t have those resources. They didn’t want to see that young brotha make it. They wanted him to re-offend so he can come back to the jungle of corruption (CDC).
That’s why we need to help each other, because the pigs don’t give a mad fuck about nobody that’s anti-CDC. The biggest reason us konvicts re-offend is because when we are released into the free world we don’t know how to function because the California Department of Korruption doesn’t give convicts a helping hand on how to get back into the community properly. So some of us have to depend on the parole officer for a stepping stone, and most parole officers don’t like convicts so they don’t really extend help like they could. Furthermore since most convicts don’t know about helpful organizations that can help them re-organize in the community they start robbing for survival. A one way ticket back to the land of corruption.