Missouri Long-Term Solitary Confinement Frameups and Torture
I am a Missouri Prisoner in Jefferson City. I have been in the SHU for over a year and the COs here, staff, caseworkers, nurses, etc are illegally keeping inmates in the SHU longer than necessary, refusing inmates medical attention, refusing inmates meals, harassing and assaulting inmates. I could list about a hundred more ways these capitalists are breaking the law.
I came to the hole for an alleged “guard assault.” I got charged with 1st degree assault on law enforcement and convicted with 20 years ran in with my current sentence.
When I first got thrown in the hole for this I was placed in a highly air conditioned cell in nothing but my boxers and shirt. No mattress, blanket or anything; save my toilet. I was like this for a month. Correctional Officers (COs) repeatedly maced me. When maced I was given nothing but a rag to clean it up with. COs refused me my meals and constantly made threats to “get rid of” me. When I finally got a mattress it was covered in piss from its previous user. The same day I got pulled out and my mattress taken. The pigs said I tore it up and wrote me up for destruction of state property charging me $68. My mail from my family was constantly coming up missing and the mail I sent out wasn’t getting to my family/friends. I was on a box called SSO (Safety Security Observation) for 5 months where I couldn’t get haircuts, use nail clippers, or get visits.
When I finally got written up for this so-called “incident” I was written up for 1.1 murder. The only thing is at the very bottom of the violation “attempt” was in parenthesis. This was done to keep me in solitary for as long as they want. According to their 1.1 policy, it says nowhere in policy that there is an attempt. It’s either 1.1 Murder or 2.1 Serious damage to an offender or correctional officer. I challenged this and was denied. I have been over their “90 day” violation free bullshit, yet they will not promote me to Phase 1. They have a Step up Program: Phase 0-3. 0 is solitary, 1-2 is double man if you’re not “single cell mandate” (get to that in a minute) and 2 you get food (nothing but fatty junk food) and 3 is double man with all your canteen, you can walk to chow, and go to gym.
I am thankfully not on single cell mandate, yet they continue to hold me illegally in solitary depriving me of contact visits.
Single cell mandate is where inmates cannot have a celly and either have to rot in Jefferson City hole or do a program in Potosi where you sit in solitary 5-10 years and get harassed by police and assaulted sometimes ending in death.
Since being in solitary here I have looked out my window and seen stretchers carrying inmates dead or extremely injured off the yard. Mainly coming from medical. The pigs here fuck with inmates so bad here (no joke) inmates are cutting their nutsacks out and nothing is done to help these mental health inmates, but a big help of maze.
I’ve been to quite a few Missouri penitentiaries, but I have never seen anything like I’ve seen here. Torture, harassment, and completely sadistic brutality, like 5 pigs running in a prisoner’s cell with helmets and riot shields beating the shit out of inmates breaking their bones. The phase system is a SHU trap. I’ll probably get fucked up for this letter if you receive it. Please spread the news of this so-called respectable prison.