Missouri Forces Fights, Brutalizes Prisoners
I have been incarcerated in the Missouri Department of Corruption since 1997. Over these many years I have been confined to seven different “camps” within the state of “Missery.”
I have seen prisoners maced and beat severely at Potosi Correctional Center in the late 90s. Officers there would routinely chain prisoners up “hog tied” like and leave them lying in their cells. Rather than move prisoners that didn’t get along or otherwise weren’t compatible they would make them fight and in two instances I know of, prisoners were murdered by their cellmates.
All over the state it is common practice to place completely incompatible people in a cell together. Guys with life without parole being celled with prisoners with only a matter of months left in their sentence.
At Crossroads Correctional Center I saw a sergeant kick a “chuck-hole” closed on one prisoner’s arm. Another sergeant grabbed a prisoner in a reverse headlock and dropped said prisoner on his face using all his own body weight. Prisoners with asthma or other health problems are sprayed with pepper spray.
All over the state it is common for prisoners to be “free-cased” for violations or crimes they had nothing to do with because a scape-goat was needed in a hurry to save face or out of animosity issues between staff and prisoners.
At South Central Correctional Center prisoners were “free-cased” for another prisoner’s murder because the institution needed scape-goats to cover up their own incompetency in running a safe and secure ‘camp’ and insufficient security equipment.
All over the state there are prisoners on a status termed “long term mandated single-cell confinement.” This security status has no set end, no guidelines and no governing policies or any unit set aside for such a special security status. There are men on this status who have been confined solidarity for over ten years.
At South East Correctional Center things are to a point where at the time of this writing there are prisoners eating foreign objects such as ink pens, screws, and any item obtainable (in one case the ear stem of a pair of eye glasses) to express the need to be transferred away from the tyrannical oppression found in this backward run facility.
All over the state prisoners are housed in single-man cell units with prisoners with severe mental illness so they are subjected to round the clock beating on walls and sinks, yelling and screaming, smearing and throwing feces, urine, etc. Lights are left on or shut off per the whim of the officers.