MIM Prison Activism Labeled "Contamination"
I recently came across something that may be of interest to you. I was
doing some research into this reactionary pro-prison propagandist
organization known as the National Gang Crime Research Center (NGCRC).
It’s run by an adamant apologist for this pernicious system named
Dr. George W. Knox. Dr. Knox and the swine that work for NGCRC routinely
conduct surveys for the gulag system to help them identify and
neutralize any potential “threats.” I was able to get my hands on one of
these surveys and preliminary finding reports that was conducted within
148 gulags in the U$A, representing 48 states, and nearly 150,000
prisoners. Now, the part of the survey that I thought may be of some
interest to MIM(Prisons) is the following:
Low Level of Contamination from the MIMSome types of political extremist groups try to recruit inmates and prisoners in America, they can do this through the U.S. Postal Service. These groups often have sophisticated websites as well. The Maoist International Movement (MIM) exists to spread communist ideology among inmates incarcerated in American jails and prisons. It seeks to radicalize prison inmates and give them a platform for organizing resistance against the American government. If your inmates are corresponding with MIM, you might have a problem brewing.
The survey included the question “have any of the inmates in your facility corresponded with the Maoist International Movement (MIM)”? Only 4.6 percent of the respondents indicated that their inmates have been in contact with MIM. Thus, it would appear that MIM is not effectively reaching out to the vast majority of American inmates. Not yet at least. Alternatively, maybe such contact with MIM is going under the radar of prison and jail officials.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This report on “Gangs and Security Threat Groups” does not include mention of any other communist groups, so we could see our inclusion as an indication of MIM(Prisons)’s success in reaching oppressed nation activists and the correctness of our political line in threatening imperialism and Amerikkkan rule. Communism is our goal: a society where no group has power over another group. This threatens the imperialist criminal injustice system for sure. In reality, as the study admits, they cannot really judge our reach based on survey of prison administrators alone. We would love to reach the vast majority of prisoners, but in practice we are focused on those who are interested in anti-imperialist politics and/or open-minded and looking to learn. Nonetheless, we take this as a call to action for Under Lock & Key readers: we need to increase the percentage of people in contact with MIM(Prisons)!