MIM Correspondence Study Helps Reduce Conflict

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[Education] [California] [ULK Issue 52]

MIM Correspondence Study Helps Reduce Conflict

A couple weeks ago I had an incident at work with an “Uncle Tom”, and some of it was due to his “kiss ass” attitude at work. Although I had this issue, I had to check myself from further incident with him by remembering MIM’s position that we do not promote violence, and in fact are a peaceful movement. To do what I had in mind would have contradicted that. Reading many responses on our study group discussion, including mine, helped me stop and check myself.

MIM(Prisons) adds: We like to highlight examples like this because, while anecdotal, they indicate that our work does reduce violence between prisoners of the United $tates. We note this as our recent issue of Under Lock & Key was rejected for everyone in Fresno County Jail for “tending to incite or promote racism, violence or any other prohibited conduct.” And a comrade in California State Prison - Sacramento just had eir study group material censored for the second time ey tried to enroll; even though ey receives all other mail from us without incident. It’s just some essays on the economics of the U.$. prison system, yet many prisoncrats fear it, while they promote ignorance and infighting.
