Mail harrassment and censorship after reporting PREA failure
Here is a story of my seemingly solo fight. So, that said, I can describe that these bastards are out to kill me and no, I am not nutzo. No. There are “things” I am still very savvy to, that would get me killed. I’ve yet to disclose. The Stoke lied about what and why I did what I did.
Decades later the “Stoke” or federal officials came up with “PREA” (Prison Rape Elimination Act). To check it out, I, along with another, cried out. Lt. XX chewed me out. He screamed how easily he could place me in a certain sector of the Stiles Unit. What is this “certain sector”? A section where men can’t stop raping and masturbating, (killing as it is called), would be where they or he would place me. Therefore, “PREA” turns a person into shark bait and tossed into a shark tank. I may have misunderstood what “elimination” meant.
Well I wrote to several state and federal officials of the above event. Plus, I let them know how PREA is now a major joke that is shouted among both the officers (C.O.s ; S.O.s) and inmates alike. Suddenly, something strange began to happen. A letter was torn in half. It had the inside-flap-stamp to WARN the recipient that the letter had come from inside a prison camp, from a prisoner. This, alone, proves I was not the last person to touch this letter. If the one-half side was returned to me by the U.S. Postal System, the other went on to whom I had written.
Also, persons, organizations I’ve written to for years, if not decades, had the RTS (return to sender) tag upon them. On several occasions, I received an RTS, with a letter or package, from the people of the RTS-simultaneously.
Several bible study or other studies I do ask “Do you enjoy our studies; why have you stopped sending your correspondence studies?” I did NOT!
I was called to the mail room. At least 6 to maybe 10 times, my legal mail has been an error. This notice comes on a Friday night. So, I wonder what my legal response (to get out) will be; only to hear “there is no legal mail; sorry.” Then, once more, to the mail room. “I’m sorry, this letter is uninspectable.” How? Why? It was open. It was in the mail-lady’s hands. The letter was from a known girl friend that I have written for the past 8 years.
“I’m sorry this comes from Huntsville”. That is the main office admin. This is a 3 1/2 hour drive away. How did they see or determine a letter- the day before- become uninspectable. It was not a package. The letter was a letter of 2 pages.
“Let me see it.” The mail lady let me see front and back of each page. There was no shit, taped on poison, explosives, zero. It had: “I love you Pearl.” Uninspectable from Huntsville! “Ma’am, how long do I have to send this 2-page horrific, uninspectable, whatever it is, back to whoever sent it to me?” “Sixty days.”
So, that night I wrote a letter. “I will explain about this Dumb Ass Letter when you visit Saturday.” I placed 2 stamps on the envelope, I sent to the mail room, this envelope with a I-60 (an official document to an official to do something) to mail back this letter. At 5:05 a.m., an inmate awoke me and handed me something. It came from the other side (B-side) of this unit. “This inmate knows you. He got this letter by mistake.” I will give every reader 10 guesses what letter this was.
Then, on one night I received about 12 letters. Five were from the same person, over a 2 1/2 week’s amount of time. Every one was well over 3 weeks late. A turtle with a broke leg could have gotten one of the letters to me in a day.
I have all of what I’ve stated documented. I have that uninspectable and both sides of the torn-in-half letter and also the letters of “why don’t you write more?” letters.