Long term segregation in Nevada
I’m currently doing 365 days in the “hole” (disciplinary segregation) at Ely State Prison in Nevada. There is only one unit in this entire prison that gets to walk the yard. The rest of us are on 23/24 hour lockdown and have to be cuffed and shackled and escorted any time we leave our cells. And not all of us are on disciplinary segregation. I was told that it’s a federal law that prisoners are only supposed to get a maximum of 100 and something days in the “hole” but Nevada gets away with it because of our privileges. Some people are allowed to have appliances in the hole, and that’s cool, but a lot of us either lost that privilege or can’t afford that stuff, so we are forced to do 1, 2, 3, maybe more years, in the hole with nothing. Me personally, I’d rather only do a couple months in the hole with nothing and get back to a mainline, then sit back here years with a TV.
In this state they have slimmed down on the physical abuse so now they’re going even more for the mind. And a lot of dudes can’t take it. I request books from our library, but that’s a joke, so I was given an old copy of MIM Notes to read from a comrade, and I was relieved to have something righteous to read, and I was also glad to know we have fellow comrades on the outside who are truly helping us in the struggle. Being that I’m fresh out of Y.A. (youth authority) and still a youngsta, it’s been difficult finding info on the adult system. I never know where to look up, but MIM Notes has put me up on game.