Lack of Education Limits United Front
Saludos y Respetos!
I received your plan for peace amongst the lower masses. It’s in circulation.
My criticism is that, at least here in Texas, there’s a lot of youngstas who have no understanding whatsoever of social relations. The comprehension level is totally shot. Your outlet and support is good, but here in this control block the average age is about 20 years old. Due to budget cuts, educational opportunities are being cut. Requests for education programming for the control block has been denied. Due to our custody level and administrative policy, we don’t qualify for educational opportunities.
These fools can’t even read, write, or do simple math. How the fuck are we expected to understand the writings of Marx, Mao or Che? I’m requesting your support in organizing a basics course of fundamental knowledge that is lacking in the daily interactions of our youth on a social level.
I totally support and endorse your propositions for peace. Tookie’s outline is too basic. Where’s the substance at? These fools need to learn basic literacy and problem-solving skills before entering the political arena.
MIM(Prisons) responds: What kind of oppressive system says that those who have been given the short end of the stick their whole lives “don’t qualify for educational opportunities”? The system is set up to perpetuate the underclass status of large segments of the oppressed nations. This demonstrates the importance of MIM(Prisons)’s Serve the People educational programs for prisoners. We need donations, typists and other resources to continue to expand this important work.
As highlighted in this issue of ULK we have expanded our introductory study courses and are developing a revolutionary glossary, both with the goal of educating the uneducated. Yet many need more remedial training. We are researching this question and welcome ideas from comrades about how we can support that type of work. We do know that basic reading and writing cannot be taught through the mail, and United Struggle from Within needs to be enacting these types of programs on the ground. Education is an important part of building a United Front for Peace.