Isolation cell in Kansas
I am currently being held in a box inside a death kamp here in El Dorado, Kansas. My oppressors do anything and everything they can to keep their boot on my neck. In what they refer to as a “limited-contact” cell. I can be held here as long as they feel they want to hold me.
I’m housed with the other proletariats here in Super-Max seg administrative lockdown. I’m in a cell with no window outside, no sunlight, a built in shower that when used floods my box out and sprays my cell everywhere with water. When brought to the attention of the pigs, they smirk and basically laugh at me. They keep all my property from me and will not work with me to take steps to work towards my release from this death box.
The pigs threaten me and the other prisoners with violence. Two days ago I witnessed a pig punch a prisoner in his testicles while he was cuffed from behind, slammed to the floor for nothing. I’m being held against my will in this black, sunless death box because I “battered” two pigs severely. The violence they threatened me with was received by me with violence. I live here twenty-four hours a day and live by watching my back for the crooked pigs at all times.
Keep up the fight MIM, and believe me, you have the support of a lot of people.