Great Amerikan Chauvinism within the Oppressed
“Amerika the beautiful.” This is the image of the perfect killing machine that is instilled in Us from youth, even as the Amerikans oppress, exploit and super-exploit our people in the Third World. This is what we’re taught. It’s bad enough that we have to deal with great Amerikan chauvinism coming straight from the oppressors but now we have to deal with it from within the oppressed as well.
Just the other day as the Dallas Mavericks and Miami Heat squared off for supremacy in the basketball world and the “national anthem” took center stage, blood-boiling hoops and hollers of “that’s right!” and “U$A baby!” could be heard throughout the building. And I’m sitting here thinking, really?! That’s right what?! “That’s right” that these fucken pigs got us locked up? Or “that’s right” that these motherfuckers are out there reeking oppression, death, destruction and exploitation throughout the Third World? Cause that’s all I can think of whenever I hear that oppressive and repulsive war-mongering song.
Actually, I also think of how our anti-imperialist comrades in the Islamic Third World put it down on these sorry ass pigs showing them that, no, Amerika isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. For if that were true then these sorry ass pigs wouldn’t be getting their asses blown to smithereens on a daily basis.
Serio, these fools in here really got shit twisted, but I suppose it’s no surprise that the bourgeoisified lumpen picks up and holds tight to the ideology of the parasitic coupon-clippers, as they themselves clip coupons. Therefore, it’s no surprise that the lumpen tend to cheerlead when the oppressor’s military trots the globe seeking to extend its sphere of influence. They are better defenders of the Amerikan way of life than the Amerikans themselves, and surprisingly reactionary.
Instead of cheerleading for these punk-ass Amerikans, wishing, wanting and thinking that we are Amerikkkans too, we should start recognizing the fact that these Amerikkkans want us locked in their prisons for life while slowly fading out of existence. Instead we should realize the devastating toll which our being imprisoned takes on our collective nations.
Instead of doing the oppressor’s bidding the world over, we need to realize the crucial role which we in the barrios/ghettos in the internal semi-colonies can play in bringing down U.$. imperialism from within. We need to start recognizing the fact that we too are the hope of the oppressed.
So until all that happens, the only time you’ll ever get a “that’s right!” from me will be when I see that Amerikan death toll count rise in the middle east.
MIM(Prisons) responds: Those who cheer for the U.$. military are a small minority in this world. The oppressed nations in this country, who have historically been the subjects of Amerikan violence, would be smart to return to (or stay on, as the case may be) the winning side of history. It is alienating to live in a country that celebrates domination and exploitation through violence. But as the Third World unites in cheering for the armed defenders of Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, India and elsewhere, we become closer to the end of imperialist oppression, a time when unnecessary deaths of all peoples can be prevented.