FL Grievances Forbid Helping Others
I am a prisoner currently incarcerated in the Florida department of corrections. At this time I’m being held at Dade Correctional Institution, in the mental health dorm transitional care unit.
This unit is for prisoners who have had, or who have developed serious mental health problems. This place is supposed to provide treatment such as counseling, one-on-one therapy, groups, etc. And it does that, but only to a bare minimum.
I am writing this because the prisoners here are being neglected. Not so much the ones who have good sense left, such as myself, but the severe cases of the prisoners who are so far gone they’ve lost touch with reality; the ones who are truly mentally disabled.
I’ve been writing grievances about this neglect, but the FL DOC has this rule that if the incident does not affect you personally then you cannot grieve the issue. This makes no sense to me at all. Some of these inmates are gone, and cannot grieve when they are done wrong.
There’s an incident here that I continue to grieve of a prisoner who sleeps in the cell across from mine. This comrade has nothing in his cell except his being and a set of blues. He has no mattress, blanket, sheets, nothing. This guy doesn’t talk at all. He makes noises sometimes that have no reasonable meaning but that’s about it. He’s lost to the world and he is mentally unstable. He cannot ask for these things, and he definitely cannot file a grievance. So this prisoner must continue to live like this because of some stupid rule that the DOC made up about this not affecting me directly.
There are a lot of prisoners here who are being literally warehoused. There are guys here who haven’t taken a shower for months. They don’t ask so it’s not offered.
This is a mental health dorm. The staff are suppose to be helping these prisoners who cannot help themselves, and instead they are ignoring them.
I, fortunately, cannot be ignored. My mental health issues developed from doing long periods of time in close management settings (control units). I admit I became weak in a way. I picked up a bad habit that eventually turned into an addiction: self mutilation – I’m a cutter. But I am not beyond bouncing back. I do time how I want to do time. And that’s the way I’m comfortable right now so it is what it is. I’ve got good sense though, trust that!
I’m going to continue to write up everything that I see these pigs here do, and I’m writing everything they’re not doing up too. Someone will eventually listen. They cannot run a mental health unit like this. I’m going to keep on fighting for our rights until something is done.