Excessive Force in North Carolina
Check this out, there are a lot of issues of excessive force jumping off here at this spot with this renegade white Sgt named Deno. He has been dumping whole cans of pepper spray on prisoners when pulling them out of their cells. He then takes them to the mop closet and beats them up.
Guys are writing Prisoner Legal Services about these incidents but no internal investigations are being done by these people. They only send longass questionnaires and after all is said and done their response is always the same “we find no cause to investigate your complaint any further.” Nobody comes to see these guys physically all busted up and stitched up.
This Sgt Deno messed up this one guy’s eyes so bad with dumping too much pepper spray this guy’s vision is permanently altered. He is presently seeing an eye doctor. He has been prescribed medication for his eyes but it’s been 3 weeks and counting and this nursing staff still haven’t given it to him.