Drugs Rampant in Rundown Indiana Prison
My fellow comrades,
I appreciate you sending me a copy of ULK newsletter, it has helped me spread the word and has gained the interest of my fellow inmates. I am writing this letter to thank you and to give you a brief summary over the conditions at Westville Correctional Facility for your records.
The first thing I should mention is that the facility was constructed over 100 years ago as a state hospital/insane asylum. Rumor has it that the state experimented on, sterilized, and tortured mentally ill people here back in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. I have been told that this facility is not up to code, has been condemned since the 1980s, and the state pays millions of dollars to keep inmates here under these deplorable conditions. The buildings are due to be demolished in the next couple years as soon as the new bigger and badder prison is finished being constructed. The prison industry in Indiana is booming and the pigs arrest people for petty crimes and hand out lengthy sentences to fuel the prison industrial complex. I have been down for 2 years and all I did was verbally threaten somebody when I was intoxicated. Luckily I will be released soon, but this experience has opened my eyes to the horrors of the criminal injustice system, capitalism/imperialism, and the growing prison industry.
Getting back to the living conditions here at Westville, the water is never clear. It is usually piss-yellow, sometimes orange, and occasionally brown. The entire prison is flooded with drugs (as well as every other prison in Indiana). K2, Suboxone, and methamphetamines are the main 3 drugs you will find, and it’s not hard, trust me. We receive 10-20 signals every day over the radio over people “pranking out” – the result of high doses of K2. Some puke, some pass out, and some experience psychotic episodes. Every dorm is thick with smoke and the staff do nothing to stop it. Also there are mice running around everywhere. That is all I have to report about this hell-hole. While I’m here I will continue to share your newspaper and encourage others to educate themselves. You can mail ULK #89, but after that, I will be out of prison. Thank you, power to the people!!!