Drug Addiction Remains a Primary Barrier to Unity
Those who sow discord into unity are our enemies. If we ourselves are guilty of pushing the people from the movement then we are our own enemy while we divide and conquer ourselves.
Prior generations fought for change, but today we fight over change: back-biting our brothers, looking down on the misfortunate, and even supporting the police in their corruption and brutality.
We are familiar with the divide and conquer tactics of our opposition; so when our lines of communications are broken, we must have faith in our comrades and remain loyal or the oppressor will create division by placing contempt and distrust in your heart towards your comrades.
We have a prisoner here in “High Risk Security” lock-up who is unable to operate a tablet. Instead of attempting to show him how to use it, they decided not to feed him.
This prisoner is clearly supposed to be in a mental institution. He is too mentally unstable to qualify for recommendation to be released from High Risk Security stats; and even if they did allow this prisoner to be released to regular population, his mental condition will cause altercations with other prisoners or staff. This is a breach of safety in the department that doesn’t care about mental patients although the department is quick to provide sentences to subjects they failed to place in safe environment.
Comrades, we must put our heads together, shoulder-to-shoulder, and put down the K2. If finding a way to do away with drug test for THC is the alternative, then we must try. We must band together to overcome this addiction. It won’t be easy, but it is necessary when you look around and see our fellow comrades in helmets and 4 point restraints losing their sanity. Do we even know the differences between K2 and phenol paper? And molly is meth. That’s worse than crack. Never get high off your own supply, and don’t inject white substances. I’m not telling you what to do, but we can not operate or function against our opps while walking around like crackheads because we’ll be more loyal to the high than to the movement.
Before I go, I just want you to know, AKs got the floor. We want peace not war. Less we all storm the doors. When it rains, it pours.
T.R.U.C.E. - Team of Revolutionaries Uniting to Combat the Enemy.
MIM(Prisons) adds: This comrade is one of a handful of leaders engaged in United Struggle from Within’s Revolutionary 12 Steps training program. We are working to build this program inside and outside prisons around the country and we need more leaders to get trained to do so.