Control unit treats men like meat
In mid-July a prisoner had an epilepsy seizure on the second tier. It took 20 minutes for the nurse to get to the control unit. The nurse could do nothing but stand at the door and attempt to calm the prisoner.
According to the standard policy of the Fourth Reich the security methods are that the keepers have to be dressed out in full riot gear, shields, helmets, bullet proof jackets, riots sticks, mace, etc. It took 15-20 more minutes for the keepers to suit up.
A stretcher was brought into the pod, the prisoner’s cage was opened and he was told to remain STILL. A man having a seizure is old to remain still – that’s deep. The prisoner was handcuffed and shackled in leg irons, placed on the stretcher, hauled out of the pod as though he was a piece of meat.
This was a demonstration of what the hooligans think of the dispossessed classes. Prisoners screamed and cursed, they were visibly upset.
We see the wake up calls, however, we need to desperately wake up. The prison movement has to regain the organizational functioning of unity among ourselves.
On September 3, 100 and something New Mexican prisoners were transported to Wallens Ridge State Prison. You know, the slaves cannot be separated from one to the other, however, the state will utilize every tactic possible to have the edge. If we’re transferred 2,000-3,000 miles from our roots what of it? The slave-owners are doing no more than what they did during chattel slavery.
How you grasp the realities of the world makes the difference. When you don’t see the realities, the ruling circle will have us at each other’s throats, still killing one another for reasons which have no merits, other than our being manipulated to destroy the outcasts, whether it’s for drugs, turf disputes, because of the color of one’s skin, gang-banging etc. The deck of playing cards have been stacked against the poor, word.
Solidarity forever!