Connecticut Corruption
In 2006 I stated that the state of Maryland was conceivably the most corrupt DOC in the nation. But the state of Connecticut now holds that distinction. With layer after lay of indecent filth and moral decay, wicked dishonesty and corruption. Prisoners are fair game to be brutalized and tortured, and to have our property stolen or destroyed with impunity. then they act shocked or surprised when one of their captives strikes back. And instead of learning, they intensify the torture, and the cycle starts over again. I am aware of the systematic efforts to stop and delay any mail that is critical of staff or policy. And none of the draconian policies or tactics being used are accidental, and in fact they are a part of larger illegal psychological experiment, disguised under the code name ‘behavior modification.’ Because there is no outcry by the sheeple as we are stripped of our human and civil rights it will only be a matter of time before the same tactics will be used to control those in the larger society. Prisoners are the most vulnerable in society and if our most basic rights are ignored and denied then none are safe. Prisons always mirror and reflect society.
Prisons across amerikkka are charging astronomical fees for phone calls, victimizing our wives and children so that the millionaires and billionaires can continue to reap untold profits, and a profit is all they care about. Confining you to only your immediate family who can come and visit. Leaving your girlfriends and other important interpersonal relationships out in the cold. They subject your family to all kinds of degrading mistreatment, as if to try to dissuade them from future visits. Once they cut you off from your phone calls and visits then they withhold your mail. Creating a state of total isolation from any community support you may have had. Furthering your dependency upon your captors, they deprive you of any meaningful reading material.
The program of isolation is being run by persons from the mental health field so I know they are aware of the damage and negative effects that are caused by this extreme isolation and sensory deprivation upon its victim’s psyche. They are very much aware that by reducing the sensory feedback, which is essential to a person’s well being, cracks can appear in their mental defense system. They take those of us who they consider troublesome, militant agitators, writ writers and even jailhouse lawyers, severing all your community ties, depriving you of all human contact, while making every effort to weaken your internal defenses and heighten your susceptibility to the influence and control of the prison authority. If you abandon your individuality and independence as a man, then and only then are you granted so called privileges, i.e. phone calls, commissary or the use of your radio. Personally I see this as the modern equivalent of the old slave breaking technique. If you do not conform your psychological torture continues indefinitely.
In 2009 I was attacked vigilante style by a hoard of guards in retaliation for an assault on a guard that they alleged I did. There were 13 to 17 on top of me, all of them out of control. Without any resistance from me, they sprayed a powerful mace substance point blank up my nostrils, shook the can and sprayed my entire face. This sadistic act was done only to inflict gratuitous pain and suffering. The chemical agent burns upon contact and takes your breath away at 10 feet, so you can imagine the effects of it being sprayed up my nose at point blank range. I believe the chemical burnt the membrane of my nasal passage. Because I was never properly decontaminated, the chemical remained on my skin and in my hair for days, continuously burning me. Contrary to the instruction, they forced my upper torso under hot water, knowing that such action would cause me excruciating pain because the hot water caused the pores to open up and allowed the chemical to go directly to my nerve endings. It felt like someone was striking a red hot poker to my face and skin. The powerful chemical totally took my breath away. While I was unable to breath, a full mask covering my entire head, like those worn by prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, effectively preventing me from breathing. My heart was under excessive strain and I had over 1200 pounds on top of me. One guard was punching me repeatedly in my jaw while another one was standing and dropping his knee with all of his weight onto my body. Someone else was trying to break my legs while someone else tried to break my fingers.
Finally they put leg irons and cuffs on me. The leg irons were so tight that I was unable to walk so they dragged me down this quarter mile long hallway. I was put in a dirty filthy cell, and in all my years of doing time I had never been in a more foul place. It smelled like the den of wild animal. There was dried blood, urine and spit on the floor and walls. The toilet had crud caked on it. They 4 pointed (chained feet and hands) to the bed. Three months later I still suffer pain from that night. I was four pointed over night, the longest night of my life. My clothes were ripped off me, leaving me totally naked and the cell was freezing cold.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This prisoner has faced brutal repression at the hands of the criminal injustice system, an unfortunately common story, which exposes the oppressive system. This testimony argues that the conditions in prison will eventually be applied to the rest of Amerikan society “it will only be a matter of time before the same tactics will be used to control those in the larger society”, but it would be both difficult and unlikely for the imperialists to turn on the oppressor nation in such a strong way. Prisons are a means of social control, used against those who pose a threat to the system. Since Amerikan citizens benefit greatly from imperialism, such measures will not be needed any time soon.
We also need to point out that prisons are not reaping profits, that is not their reason for existence and in fact they require significant subsidies from the government to exist. As we explained in ULK8, prisons are primarily for social control, not profit. They also provide some good labor aristocracy jobs for Amerikan citizens who earn high wages at the expense of the international proletariat. But that is not a profit, that is just imperialist superprofits being redistributed to the labor aristocracy via a job that furthers the imperialist government’s goal of social control.