Conditions Reprot from Scotland Correctional

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[Censorship] [Drugs] [Abuse] [Scotland Correctional Institution] [North Carolina]

Conditions Reprot from Scotland Correctional

I am a North Carolina Prisoner here at Scotland Correctional. Let’s expose a lil of Scotland to what’s really going on behind the walls. Here on control status we are not getting tablets, we don’t even have CTV, we don’t get any phone calls at all!!! They barely pass out hygiene kits. The officers are BS. They basically do what they want and get away with whatever and using unnecessary force. Getting carried away with their lil mace cans. They barely make rounds, so if we kick doors, turn up to get them in here for whatever reason, maybe, oh, you getting maced down overboard, better words, overkill. Then if they mace you they wanna put you in a turtle suit!

You have people that are on Ad-Seg on control side B is being denied Ad-Seg canteen. Then you have some officers playing games with peoples’ mail, giving to certain people who it don’t belong to. Then on 2nd shift sometimes we are lucky to get one shower a week when we are suppose to get 3 showers a week! They say “oh, we are short staff” or “Code One!!!”

Been a couple killings also covered up by officers with them saying it’s suicide. Honestly, if the PIGS on the outside have to wear body cams at all times, correctional officers should also have to wear them at all times. If you have people on control side who are Ad-Seg I honestly feel like you should be able to get it not to be punished as like you are on control status.

Then when certain ones try to stand up others back off cause all they care about is one thing – getting their fix and being junkied out.

Close for now, update later. If I do not see this in ULK paper, I know my letter did not make it and was intercepted by the $nake$.
