Chemical Warfare
These concentration camps are using chemicals that are carried on the pigs’ hips along with their billy clubs and handcuffs. They call these chemicals mace, but I’ve been pondering on something for years now: what are the ingredients inside these cans that are being used on us? Do these chemicals have a long-term effect on a person’s health? Riot cans are being used on us while we are locked down, and how does this make sense? We are lab rats being experimented on by these oppressors. The new trend is chemical warfare, and these oppressors are using different “toys” to instill fear to control us. They have mace ball guns where, instead of paint balls, the balls are filled with dry mace powder so that when a person is hit the powder gets all over their body causing a painful burning sensation. They have large fire extinguishers filled with foam mace and it’s attached to battling rams. At least three to four days a week we are woken up choking from the aroma of these chemicals because the pigs have sprayed a prisoner.
The pigs walk around with riot cans prepared to spray prisoners at any time, and in most cases for no good reason at all, just because they can. I’ve witnessed numerous times these riot cans being put into a prisoner’s mouth, prisoners being sprayed in their faces at point-blank range, or in their private regions while handcuffed. Personally I have been sprayed so many times that I have received chemical burns. I recall one night while resisting an injustice that was being done by these oppressors, they didn’t want to assemble an extraction team so instead the pigs got about 10 riot cans and sat them on a table in front of the pod. These pigs’ intentions were to spray from 1 a.m. all the way to 6 a.m. when another shift arrived.
Right now I am at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility in Lucasville, aka Looneyville, and these pigs spray these chemicals on a daily basis. I’ve witnessed them spray prisoners numerous times under false pretense. I call this the “jump back.” This is when the pigs walk around intimidating prisoners with their chemicals and if we don’t comply with the pigs’ demands then the pigs walk down the range to stand in front of a prisoner’s bars and yells some gibberish and then “jumps back” pulling out their mace and spraying.
The Captain or Lieutenant comes and takes this prisoner to the hole, putting him in a slammer cell. The administrator accuses him of spitting or throwing something on a pig, which is is clearly a setup. When placed on the slammer side, the prisoner is put around the same pig that set them up and us further harassed. The pigs play with our food, cut off our water, and give us the bare minimum of our property.
If you write an informal complaint, eventually you’ll get sprayed in retaliation, receiving a ticket and getting placed on phone and commissary restriction to try to limit your communication with society. If you present the issues to the Warden and administration, they’ll pass it along to the pigs and they’ll spray and jump you when they get the right opportunity.
These prisons remind me so much of Nazi concentration camps where hoards of humans were experimented on with different kinds of chemicals until they found the perfect ingredients to eliminate them. We don’t know what long-lasting effects these chemicals have. These chemicals enter our bodies and we are being released back to society, making babies and don’t even know what we are passing along. Got to watch these oppressors’ every move because genocide is their long-term objective.
I just received a recent update that these oppressors are about to bring stun guns in! I sit here with fire in my eyes immune to their tactics because I know their true motives. I resist by any means necessary, organizing, networking, and educating until we become one mind, one body for one cause. All power to the people.