Call for unity among Montana prisoners

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[Organizing] [Montana] [ULK Issue 7]

Call for unity among Montana prisoners

I’m writing in support of the Montana prisoner article detailing corrupt medical services and canteen schemes for profit. I’ve been a prisoner here in the Montana prison system since 2001. Over the years I’ve seen many changes, most for the worst. The biggest and the one that truly makes me sick, is the total collapse of prisoner unity in our prison system.

There’s a scary trend of new prisoners entering here. It’s all about submissive cooperation with prison officials. Making deals with the man (snitching, confidential informants) to secure favors from prison administrators (extra privileges, early release). Also a bad case of “Good ol Day” or “Back in the Day” syndrome. Unfortunately most people just talk, bitch or complain. Old timers are not standing up to teach the youngster how to carry himself within the walls.

I agree the medical services/canteen corruption in this system is out of control, but we have no one to blame but ourselves because we allowed the prison to take ultimate control. So now brother, I call unto those with heart to stand up and take back what’s ours.

This is not a call of ignorance or senseless violence, but of sound, wise, educated resistance that benefits everyone here. In other words, prisoner unity, not division.
