Blurring the Lines: The Reversal of Officer and Inmate Roles

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[Street Gangs/Lumpen Orgs] [Abuse] [Valdosta Correctional Institution] [Georgia] [ULK Issue 88]

Blurring the Lines: The Reversal of Officer and Inmate Roles

The purpose of this article is to shine a spotlight into an area where darkness prevails. Now I know Georgia’s prisons are not the only ones with this problem, but I’m willing to wager that Georgia is most likely leading the nation in such instances where INMATES ARE PERFORMING (FOR ALL INTENTS AND PURPOSES) THE DUTIES OF OFFICERS.

First off, Georgia’s close security prisons (same as maximum security) are experiencing extreme shortages of correctional officers. It seems as though no one wants to be a part of a very obvious and very well known corrupt system or governmental body.

So now what a lot of prison wardens, administrators, officers, are doing, is becoming very familiar with gang leaders, or high ranking members of gangs, and basically using them and their subordinate gang members to police other prisoners.

Now some may say, I thought you would like this situation, it’s ideal. EXCUSE ME, BUT FUCK NO, IT’S GOT EVERYTHING FUCKED UP! For instance inside the housing units, if you’re a civilian prisoner (non-gang affiliation) you are most likely not going to have access to a cell to sleep in or use the toilet, because gang members want their own personal room.

The gang members are doing a lot of oppressing towards civilian prisoners (robbery, extortion, beatings, stabbing, murdering) and a lot of these acts are done for the sheer pleasure or entertainment of the gangs.

They even kick other prisoners out of the housing units, forcing them to be housed in isolation/segregation. Basically if you’re a non-gang affiliated prisoner, you can’t stay in general population unless you want to sleep in the dayroom/common area. What’s even more absurd is that the gang members don’t even want their so-called brother member to share a room with him.

The gang members are assigned nearly all the prison jobs, therefore they control the whole prison and its movement. The meals are brought to the housing unit, where the gang members distribute out the trays to themselves first and give what they don’t want to the ones remaining. So you’d be fortunate to eat!

The food portions are very very pathetic, not even a kindergarten student would be fulfilled from these small portions. YES INMATES ARE PURPOSEFULLY STARVING OTHER PRISONERS.

HERE’S THE STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMEL’S BACK, if for some reason you and an officer get into a heated exchange these same gangsters take the side of the officer against you and will even beat you, stab you, yes even murder you.

The sad thing about all of this is, these inmate officers are not handsomely rewarded for any of these acts! Yeah the high ranking ones have their contraband, and other prison luxuries, but for the most part they don’t have anything to show for their acts. Most are serving a life sentence (must serve 30 years before parole board considers parole for them) or life without parole, or any other combination of lengthy sentences.

Now I respect that some prisoners are working the system to their advantage, but you should never forget that your goal is to get released. So while you working the system to keep contraband shipments coming, and hustling to either provide for family or to save up for attorney fee or both, keep in mind that you’re contributing to the oppression of others and to yourself by helping the wardens, administrators, and officers operate these prisons.

Some prisons in Georgia are even neglecting to open the law library, especially here at Valdosta State Prison. The cell phones have been the biggest gift and curse in Georgia prisons, because these guys allow wardens, administration, officers, HELL THE WHOLE GDC TO VIOLATE U.S. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS SO THAT THE STAFF DON’T COME SEARCHING AND POSSIBLY FIND THEIR CELL PHONE. THINK ABOUT IT prison cell then phone, and you get cellphone, that’s babysitting you in a cell!

Instead of attending to the law library, and trying to find a loop hole with their case to regain their freedom, they’re on social media, or chatting with some chatline girl, instead of using the cellphone as a tool to regain their life. DO YOU GET IT NOW CELL PHONE? PRISON CELL PHONE!

It seems, gone are the times when inmates would stick together regardless of race, organization, affiliations etc etc to reach a common goal or to better their treatment.

They’ve let the powers that be use their differences, along with their frustrating sentence/case circumstances, and their greed for material possessions (commissary food, cellphones and other contraband items) to divide them and place some above others to cause even more division.

In Georgia we’re in prime position to unify and demand some things. Due to the fact that Georgia Department of Corrections is in an extreme shortage of officers.

This what I’m suggesting could be done without violence or breaking the rules. But we have to get the gangs and their purpose and main mission back into the proper perspective, which is to serve and protect civilians/citizens, to stop oppression.

The gangs have been infiltrated by these imposters who’ve gained rank and position only to destroy it from within. So be careful who you follow.

In closing, think deep, find what you and your so-called opp have in common, come together to fight against your common enemy. Don’t allow your oppressors to use you to do their dirty work, by giving you some trinkets so you the oppressed will in turn oppress the already oppressed. We all have the same fight so why not join forces? There’s nothing that a warden, administrator or officer could bring in to me or promise me to trick me into performing his duty. I’ll never perform violence against another inmate for an officer, who when done with me, will turn traitor against me. Again I will not let Dept of Corrections pimp me. While they go home each and every day to their freedom and home and family, while some $50 cellphone keeps me distracted from seeking freedom. These cheap devices are not worth a life!

Refocus, Rehabilitate, Regain.

MIM(Prisons) adds: See page 2 of Under Lock & Key for the 5 principles of the United Front for Peace in Prisons and see if you can use them to rebuild unity among the lumpen in your area.
