Black Mighty Loyal Soldiers and All Black Loyalty Join the United Front For Peace!
My organization’s name is Black Mighty Loyal Soldiers/All Black Loyalty. I am the founder of B.M.L.S. and Comrade Ziggy is the founder of A.B.L. He is housed at Bland Correctional Center. He would love a copy of your newsletter as well. He should be coming home.
The united front principles mean a lot to my organization, because I have been brought up on these principles since early 2011. With needless conflicts amongst ourselves, we could be making a lot of progress towards our goals. Oppressing each other only keeps us back economically, educationally, and weak.
I try very hard to unite those facing the same struggle as me, so they can see what’s been going on with us and communication is a must to expose imperialism and capitalism. Unity can and will have us at the finish line.
I love Growth, because “We don’t go through life, we go through life.” We have to continue to educate ourselves on financial literature, health, and our history to understand our identity. I love to teach people the “Ten Wealth Principles.”
We can’t fight against oppression if we support any form of it. It’s insanity, people should learn about internationalism (all oppressed people). To see that policy is how it should be, we all move as one fighting for the same goal.
The more independent we are, the better we are as a whole, that’s how I can relate.
I am going to send copies of my organization protocol, and principles.