Assault with a sock?
I am currently on I-Con [lockdown] for assault on staff, but the write up was false. In December 2009 an officer was told to write me up for assault because I refused to sit down in the day room. She called me out by name and then told me to go to my bunk. As I was going to pass her she stood in my way so that she was blocking my path, and she said I pushed her. Prisoners later told me that while I was in segregation she stated I never touched her, and that she wrote me up because she had the authority to do so.
In June 2010 my room got searched while I was still on I-Con for the assault charge, and I got written up for another assault on staff charge as well as destruction of state property and disrespect. They charged me with assault because the officer told me to drop my socks outside of my trap door. So I dropped them out my door because I was following a direct order. Now it’s four officers standing outside my door and this particular officer is standing right in front of my door when the sock falls on his foot. So he says that I threw a sock at him. Officers claim I “assaulted” him but one of them told me that you can’t assault anybody with a sock and she never saw me assault anyone but she wrote a statement claiming I did.
Even if I did what they claim, the charge A-3 assault on staff is for “throwing objects that are likely to produce injury or by any other means hitting, kicking and pushing.” A sock doesn’t produce injury and they claimed it hit him in the leg. I’ve never known a sock to injure anyone. The only reason I was found guilty is because it was the word of two officers and a sergeant and I had no witness. But the evidence that I asked to be submitted was never submitted in my case. I’m currently appealing the charge.