Aryans in the Struggle for Peace in Prisons
I’m writing to y’all from the Special Management Unit (SMU) in Jackson, Georgia which is about ten minutes outside Atlanta. This is my second correspondence to MIM(Prisons) and the type of prison I’m at seems to be a focus of yours. It is classified as a “Tier 3” SMU, housing the “worst” 190 captives in the Department of Corrections, which boasts an insane 70,000 prisoners throughout the whole state.
These people are so very corrupt. Just a few hours ago, the pigs, mostly Black, took the Muslim boy out of the cell next to mine for a “meeting.” Those meetings go on in a side room somewhere and usually they end in brutality. When they were bringing him back they were beating him as they dragged him toward his cell. It’s on camera if the cameras in the cell house actually record.
When they got him into his cell I could hear him choking and trying to scream. Also, I could hear what sounded like fists or feet hitting skin. He was in handcuffs and shackles. I’m Aryan Nation and my loyalty is to my people, but I’ve got the sense to know that if they’ll do that to my neighbor they’ll do it to me. My modus operandi (M.O.) is brutal violence toward police and other convicts. So when I spoke up and said that if they didn’t stop torturing that man where I could hear it I would stab or cut every pig that came to my door at every meal, they stopped beating him. This type of stuff is the norm at Jackson SMU.
I want to emphasize the importance of unity behind these walls. We divide ourselves by race and gangs and the pigs throw gasoline on the fire. Just today a Black officer called me a “fake white supremacist” for sending a Blood (Black guy) some books and magazines.
I’ve picked up on some undertones in MIM literature that targets whites as the enemy or people responsible for the oppression behind the injustice system. It’s not just whites anymore; it’s Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. The prison injustice system is a mindset that can’t be defined by race. We’ve got to point the finger at the mindset, not the groups of people that we want to blame.
Every prison I go to I preach unity and people respond, because if the Aryan Nation is willing to unite then nobody else has any excuse. Race is the biggest problem in the South; it’s what divides us the most. I’ve done time in the Midwest and those prisons have overcome racial division. We may eat at separate tables there, and play sports on separate courts, but when it’s time to come together for our rights there are no racial, religious, or gang lines.
I don’t know much about Maoism but I know about the struggle that your ministry is fighting against; I’ve been living it for almost eight years. I’ve written to y’all to try to inspire unity amongst everybody, not just the non-whites. I passed on the only ULK I’ve received so I don’t remember your mission statement, but I do understand a little and I support y’all and respect what I do understand. Please continue to send me ULK. I’ll write after every issue just to put my views in on the struggle. Also, I’ll be sending in 10-20 stamps as a donation very soon.
MIM(Prisons) adds: Just as oppressed nation people have integrated into Amerika economically, they have integrated into the police and prison staff, as well as other parts of the criminal injustice system. The United $tates even had a Black president; it’s obvious that oppressed vs. oppressor is not split on “color” lines. Still, there is a history and present reality that shows Amerikkka is vastly a white oppressor nation.
For those who have integrated into the oppressor nation, we no longer refer to them as New Afrikan; instead they are “African-Amerikkkans.” Our opposition to oppressors is not limited to just those of European descent. But we see that national oppression happens with an oppressor nation on top (the predominantly and historically white Amerikkkan nation) and others on the bottom (oppressed nations) and so we do make scientific generalizations about these nations.
We’re with this comrade that our unity also can’t be limited by identity politics. We don’t exclude potential comrades just because they’re Amerikan, and we don’t trust potential comrades just because they’re not. Those who do come from an oppressor nation will need to commit nation suicide and work against the interests of their nation. Those who come from oppressed nations need to show that they are not trying to simply integrate with the oppressors, like the Corrections Officers this comrade refers to. Those integrators are our enemies just like the Amerikkkan oppressors are our enemies.