Ad-Seg, Repression at Jessup for Demanding Basic Rights
First and foremost I would be remiss of my duties if I don’t give my strongest to all of the comrades, both in here and out there, currently engaged in the struggle. My clenched fist goes out to you all! I am currently returning to you from 31 months of Administrative Segregation and several transfers on the grounds of “… Your continued behavior documents that you are not able to conform to the rules and regulations of the institution and/or the Division of Corrections”. I have had all of my mail and pictures thrown away, property “lost”, been fed seg-loaf, and had numerous ARP (Administrative Remedy Procedure) filings ignored. Are these actions not against the rules and regulations of the institution and/or the Division of Corruption? And the whip doesn’t stop cracking there; I was “released” from Ad-Seg on 2 May 2017, and here I find myself back here on Ad-Seg a mere six days later under the guise of “Reasons exist to believe that you are dangerous to the security of the institution and/or inmates and/or staff … Pending transfer.” Then here goes this talking swine D. Roman, Lt. who is the intel officer her at Jessup Corruption Institution giving innuendos to what I already know stating “You have really pissed some people off” and to this all I have to say is yup, and I’m not done yet! Not until me and every other prisoner for that matter, start receiving the rights we’re entitled to. And we are going to continue writing our ARPs, refusing you commissary, and holding our slots until we get ’em. We will not fight this fight on our backs. It has been a long and tedious battle and journey for me, but I will not give up. No surrender no retreat!
I would like if you could please re-new my subscript[ion to ULK. In the course of being on Ad-seg, and the COs doing me dirty by throwing away my mail, I lost a lot of valuable information, addresses, and contacts; you guys being one of them. Luckily I was recently, fortunately, ran across another comrade who also receives ULK subscriptions. The last subscription I received was touching on fighting gender oppression in prison I think in ULK 39 or 40 or so. If it’s possible could you please send me every subscription from them to catch up? It would be most appreciated. Also, I have 2 stamps enclosed in this letter. I wish I could do more but this was all I could afford at the moment. With that I leave as I come, with respect always.