Ad-Seg "Changed" to "Restricted Housing"
I’m writing because I just got your mag, but the mailroom takes its time in getting our mail around to us, especially to us in Ad-Seg. Or wait, they changed the name. It’s called “Restricted Housing” (R.H.). Yet, nothing’s changed, it’s still the same.
It used to be for all STG-gangs, but here in Texas they just put anyone back here, so this place is now full of people that get into fights, don’t want to work, or people who do minor stuff out there in G.P., and once here they take years to let them back out.
So because of this, they have changed so much for people like me who has been back here since 88, because I was a gang member (Mexican Mafia). So every time I come back into the system I get put back here. But since 05 I left the gang and have been trying to get into a program called GRAD (Gang Renunciation and Dissociation).
I want out of this “R.H.” because there’s nothing back here for me. I want to get out to G.P. where I can do something instead of just sitting here doing nothing. Hell, ever since this year started we haven’t been given our recreation like we should get, in their Ad-Seg plan. Since the start of this year we’ve gotten rec once or twice each month!
What sucks is we have no unity here to try and get this back to how it should be, one line might bang and any other ways to get this rank to come talk to us, but all they do is put us on a 24 hr lockdown type of thing (since we’re already in lock up) and feed us Johnnies.
I tried going with the grievance, Steps One and Two, but was told we were given the chance to go to rec, and if we don’t go that’s on us. But how is that since they KNOW Ad-Seg guys can’t just walk out of our cells like guys in G.P.?