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Index of Resources
Friends & Family of PrisonsersGlossary of Maoist Definitions
Prison Movement History
Legal Resources
Security Guidelines
Maoism - Contemporary Study Materials
Maoism - Classics
Economics of Imperialism/Labor Aristocracy
Chinese History
Soviet History
African History
New Afrikan History
Chicano History/Theory
Puerto Rican/Boricua History
Friends & Family of Prisoners
- Facility info by state - mailing addresses, prisoner locators, prison rules, etc.
- Prison Activist Resource Center - download their current resource guide
Prisons Historical
Legal Resources/Censorship CaselawSecurity
Security resources will be linked from our contact pageContemporary Maoism
Fundamental Political Line of the Maoist Internationalist Ministry of PrisonsStudy Packs by MIM(Prisons)
Maoist Internationalist Movement (1984- 2008) Official Website Archive
Here we have provided an archived version of the original Maoist Internationalist Movement website, which was a centralized site for the whole movement hosted at from the 1990's sometime until 2006 when the MIM dissolved into a cell structure. From 2006 to 2008 there were periods of time when the site was still updated regularly. This archive ends in February 2008 when the comrades at etext declared the site done and opened up a temporary blog called MIM Lite that didn't last long. In late 2008 there was one last flurry of posting that contained some good political analysis as well as many documents related to the outing of a MIM comrade due to pressures by the state. This archive does not contain these documents because we did not have a backup of them. Otherwise, we have no reason to believe that anything else is missing. And, of course, nothing has been altered except the comments at the top of each page describing the archive. The political line of MIM(Prisons) as demonstrated through our website and publications should give readers some sense of trust that we have not altered these archived documents in any way. It is not impossible for state agents to access these documents and alter them without our knowing, but that is true of our own website as well.
Some of these materials are outdated and no longer correct politically or otherwise. MIM(Prisons) stands by the correctness of these articles as a whole for the period in which they were written.
Browse Archive OnlineDownload Zipped File of Site (2.63 GB)
Download Zipped File of Site (Text Only - 84.55 MB)
MIM Theory Journals
- MIM Notes Bound Volume, Second edition, 1991 includes Founding Documents of MIM, MIM Notes 1-34, MIM Theory 1-13 (old series)
- Third Draft of Criticism of RCP
- What is MIM? (Founding Documents)
- MIM Theory 1: A White Proletariat? (new reformatted version)
- Teoría del MIM 1: ¿Los Proletarios Blancos?
- MIM Theory 2/3: Gender and Revolutionary Feminism(new reformatted version)
- MIM Theory 4: The Failure and Success of Communist Development
- MIM Theory 5: Diet for a Small Red Planet
- MIM Theory 6: The Stalin Issue
- MIM Theory 7: Proletarian Feminist Nationalism
- Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Nationalism (2017): A study pack assembled by MIM(Prisons) based on content from MIM Theory 7
- MIM Theory 8: The Anarchist Ideal and Communist Revolution
- MIM Theory 9: Psychology & Imperialism
- MIM Theory 10: Labor Aristocracy
- MIM Theory 11: Amerikkkan Prison on Trial (selected articles only)
- MIM Theory 12: Environment, Society, Revolution
- MIM Theory 13: Culture in Revolution
- MIM Theory 14: United Front
Noble Young Lords Party
Political Compedium Manual (draft)O.G. Maoism
- Philosophy is No Mystery: Peasants Put their Study to Work (Foreign Languages Press, Peking. 1972.)
- Mao Zedong (everything)
- Long Live the Victory of People's War by Lin Biao (version from
Labor Aristocracy/Economics
- Settlers: Mythology of the White Proletariat by J. Sakai
- Labor Aristocracy, Mass Base of Social Democracy by HW Edwards (Stockholm: Aurora, 1978) - study pack to accompany book available above
- MIM Theory 1: A White Proletariat?
- MIM Theory 10: Labor Aristocracy
- Imperialism and Its Class Structure in 1997
- Contemporary services and unproductive labor: some international and organizational-technological considerations (draft document from
- The Fundamentals of Political Economy by Foreign Languages Press [epub] [A MIM MUST READ]
- Arms & Empire: Imperial Patterns Before World War II by Richard Krooth [A MIM MUST READ]
- Divided World; Divided Class by Zak Cope (1st Ed.) [A MIM MUST READ]
- Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Global Capitalism a MIM study pack
- Neo-Colonialism: The Last Stage of Imperialism by Kwame Nkrumah
- On the internal class structures of the internal semi-colonies by MC5 (1998)
- The Law of Worldwide Value by Samir Amin
- Unequal Development by Samir Amin
- Unequal Exchange by Arghiri Emmanuel
- Who is the Lumpen in the United $tates? by MIM(Prisons)
Chinese History
- The Chinese Road to Socialism: Economics of the Cultural Revolution by E.L. Wheelwright and Bruce MacFarlane [A MIM MUST READ]
- The Historical Experience of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat Foreign Languages Press, 1956
- The Last Manchu by Pu Yi (excerpt on time in socialist prison)
- Prisoners Of Liberation: Four Years in a Chinese Communist Prison by Allyn and Adele Rickett
- A History Of The Chinese Cultural Revolution
- When Serfs Stood Up in Tibet by Anna Louise Strong
- A Curtain of Ignorance: How America is Deceived by Felix Greene
- The Chinese Cultural Revolution by Jean Esmein
- The Political Economy of Counterrevolution in China: 1976-1988 by Henry Park
- The Capitalist Roaders Are Still on the Capitalist Road: The Two-Line Struggle and the Revisionist Seizure of Power in China by the China Study Group, October 1977 [html/easy to read] [pdf/scan original]
- Postrevolutionary China and the Soviet NEP by Henry Park (Research in Political Economy, Vol.9, pages 219-233. 1986)
- Life Under Mao 1949 to 1976 (various documents)
Soviet History
- MIM Theory 6: The Stalin Issue and more on Stalin
- The Stalin Era by Anna Louise Strong
- Introduction to The Essential Stalin by Bruce Franklin
- The Problem with Trotsky (various documents)
- On Trotskyism by Kostas Mavrakis
- How Russia Transformed Her Colonial Empire: A Challenge to the Imperialist Powers, 1946 by George Padmore
- Beijing Review, "Soviet Revisionism's Neo-Colonialist 'Aid,'" (1967)
- A Critique of Soviet Economics by Mao Zedong
- Social Imperialism: The Soviet Union Today - reprints from Peking Review
- Secondary Literature on the Question of the Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union by Henry Park (Research in Political Economy, Vol.10, pages 27-58. 1987)
- The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union By W.B. Bland
- How Capitalism Has Been Restored in the Soviet Union and what this means for the world struggle by the Revolutionary Union
- The Soviet Union: Socialist or Social-Imperialist? by the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
- The White Collar World and the Origins of the Cheka by MC5
African History
- How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney (1973)
- Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
- Black Skin; White Masks by Frantz Fanon
- Never Kneel Down: Drought, Development and Liberation in Eritrea (1985) (excerpts)
- Pan-African document archive
New Afrikan History
- Power to New Afrika! (2022) by comrade Triumphant of USW
- Black Panther Newspaper Collection [online]
- Defend the Legacy of the Black Panther Party!/BPP Newspaper Collection [pdf]
- To Die for the People by Huey P. Newton odd pages, even pages
- They Huey P. Newton Reader edited by David Hilliard and Donald Weise
- Revolutionary Suicide by Huey P. Newton
- Seize the Time by Bobby Seale
- Blood In My Eye by George Jackson
- Remembering The Real Dragon - Interview with George Jackson
- Maoism and the Black Panther Party by MIM (1992)
- The Black Panthers Speak edited by Philip Foner
Chicano History/Theory
- Chican@ Power and the Struggle for Aztlán
- MIM Aztlán Page
- Analysis of the Migrant Movement
- The real lessons of the Chicano Moratorium and the high treason against Maoism today
- The difference between Mao Zedong and Joma Sison (follows up on article above)
- History of the Chicano People
- Race and Class in the Southwest by Mario Barrera
- Stolen at Gunpoint by J. Sakai
Puerto Rican/Boricua History
- La Lucha Boriquena a MIM Pamphlet
- Palante: Young Lords Party text pages only