Radio Silence
The only strategy left for us revolutionaries to use who are still hemmed up within these U.$. luxury concentration camps is ‘silence.’ Silence is a weapon. As revolutionaries and freedom fighters we need to master the vocabulary of silence.
A worldwide tactic for naval warfare is ‘radio silence’ especially amongst submarines. When radio silence is initiated, the entire submarine goes silent. Thus the enemy doesn’t know where this submarine is at, what its commander is planning next, etc. What do you suppose would happen if every prisoner incarcerated within every prison in Amerikkka stopped talking and refused to talk all at once and at the same time? The eerie silence would oppress the oppressor’s pawns (prison guards), it would surely cause panic amongst their ranks.
Unfortunately, for every true revolutionary reading this letter, you must be already aware that the character of players within the game done change. Most ‘inmates’ confined within the U.$. prison system these days have diarrhea of the mouth. Their tongues wag constantly. Hell it almost seems that some of these ‘inmates’ tongues wake up before their bodies do in the morning. U.$. prison yards are the gossip centers of amerikkka.
There’s a hustler’s story that I will use as an analogy in this situation. There was once two pimps just hanging out watching their ladies of the night work the strip. As a couple of their ladies walked by them joking and laughing out loud, one pimp turned to the other and said to him, “You hear that? That’s music to my ears.” The other pimp asked him “Why’s that?” The pimp answered, “Because as long as them hos are laughing and joking they’re blind to what their lives really consist of.”
In a prison guard’s case, an inmate’s laughter, joking and constant talking is music to their ears. As a population this would make inmates the Hos. Now to go and move the masses into radio silence, this is what we’re up against: hustlers whose only concern is the dollar; users who’s only concern, and god, is the dope; cowards; haters; countless informants; and those infected by the Stockholm syndrome. Those are the cold hard facts.
Yet, one resolute revolutionary, one disobedient spirit can turn a flock of sheep into a den of lions. Thus we can commence this revolution of silence against all odds with the knowledge that when individual peoples work together for a common purpose there’s power available to the group that isn’t available to individuals. We can vanguard this move of silence with the wisdom that union is a fundamental basis of power.
That the unity of a people could bring any corrupt evil system to its knees. Let us as a revolutionary people go on a talking strike. This will for sure shake up the system. Silence makes people uncomfortable. It is psychological warfare. Psychologists employ this tactic when with their patients, as interrogators do with people they’re questioning. How many people would still be free if they had just adhered to their Miranda rights, “You have the right to remain silent”? Even the good book of proverbs says “In the multitude of words is foolishness.”
The choice is of course yours komrades. However let it not be said of a true revolutionary that we came through a system or life itself without leaving an imprint. The time of talk and half measures are over, it’s time for action. Enough said. Go silent.
MIM(Prisons) responds: This comrade brings up an interesting tactic that has been used before. What makes it superior to some other sorts of strikes is that it is harder for the pigs to charge someone with some kind of rule violation for not talking. Of course, Malcolm X spent weeks in the hole for refusing to say his number when he first got to prison. And ultimately they often have the power to punish at will, regardless of the rules.
However, generic calls such as these have limited application. We print this as a discussion of possible tactics, but we cannot just throw ideas out on the wind and hope they catch on. We can never execute an effective strike without on-the-ground organizing. Only as part of an organization can we impose limits on those who wish to oppress us, as this comrade acknowledges.
One last criticism, this proposal is not very clear of its scope of application. To promote silence as a strategy would be suicidal for our movement, because our biggest battle is to spread information and organization. Now, thinking before we speak is a whole other story. A true revolutionary must speak and act in ways that fit in with h overall strategy for creating change. A childish culture of talking shit is a product of the lack of education and consciousness among the oppressed. So, to promote a code of conduct that involves only saying things that fit within our political goals, and knowing what to say when and to whom can only come after a thorough education of the population. There is much work for those isolated revolutionaries out there to do before attempting any type of strike or mass action.