This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
Crying Game, The (1992)
The real "secret" of this film portraying the struggles of the Irish
Republican Army, is its reactionary picture of gender and national
conflict -- despite pithy metaphors on the meaning of life and human
"nature." By this theory, there are two kinds of people, oppressors
and complicit dupes of oppressors, and both the IRA and the British
army are hierarchies that have both kinds. The movie makes betraying
the IRA the only humane decision for the hero. It is simply not in
Fergus's "nature" to kill and be a revolutionary, so he bags his
commitment to the IRA for love and sex. Dedicated IRA comrades are
depicted as unthinking terrorist robots.