This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

(Art by a prisoner)
Most of these are original MIM art; some are from other sources. You are
free to copy and distribute these for revolutionary or anti-imperialist
purposes. Please give credit for MIM originals (as marked).
Why isn't your art here? MIM would like to publish or distribute
all revolutionary art in our print publications or here on the MIM art
web site. Don't keep it to yourself, send it in! Contact MIM using the
address at the MIM homepage.
Download a Beginner's Guide to Creating Anti-Imperialist Art
Clip-art files
All art under the Clip art subheading should be used in collages.
Your favorite art page items excluding photos & icons
1. Sanctions on Iraq
2. Imperialism kills .pdf file
3. Sharon as Bush's puppet
4. Puerto Rico
5. Prisoner drawn cat remembers MIM
6. Fighting imperialism is not terrorism
7. Anti-Amerikan jokes
- Animations
- mousnonya does it again, this time on white workers
- mousnonya gives it to us on smoking (1.5 meg DOS .EXE file)
- mousnonya spells out anti-fascism (1.5 meg DOS .EXE file)
- Mousnonya gives us MIM line on the United Farmworkers Union (1.2 megs DOS .exe)
- releases rare footage
of a major MIM leader speaking! (RealMedia, 1.2megabytes)
- mousnonya tells you more about MIM leaders (230kb)
(Download .exe files to your Windows computer, go to the folder they are in and double-click on them.)
- MIM leader Mimi explains what imperialism is (DOS .exe file, 800kb)
- MIM leader Mimi spells out what Maoism is (DOS .exe file, 1.2meg.)
- MIM leader Mimi tells you our program (DOS .exe file, 2meg.)
- Humor
- Literature
- Music
Recent music
Historical music
- The USSR's "National Anthem" sung by Paul Robeson (950kb, .mp3)
- See our music downloads page
- Painting
- Paintings of Mao's China (1975)
- Theater arts
- Graphics, comics and other critical artistic images
- "Love it or leave it!" series started
The Boston Tea Party 1772 reinterpreted
George Washington takes conservative advice
George Washington takes off for the Bahamas
George Washington has second thoughts at Yorktown
Conservatives straighten out slavery question
Some great people following conservative advice
Amerikkkans, if you love your country
so much, why do you leave it so much? (600k)
Conservatives "re-educate" Patrick Henry (100k)
Please steal the above and do them better to add to the "Love it or leave it!" series
- Cartoons
Bush vigil against Cindy Sheehan (by a CA prisoner)
The 700 club killers (by a CA prisoner)
Bush Corruption (by a CA prisoner)
Demonicracy (by a CA prisoner)
Minutemen gestapos (by a CA prisoner)
Iraqi liberation? (by a CA prisoner)
Kook Klutz Krap Minutemen (by a CA prisoner)
Remember Me? (by a NY prisoner)
Amerika vs. MIM (by a NY prisoner)
Censored Artist (by a NY prisoner)
Reward for capure of terrorist (by a CA prisoner)
Sanctions kill (by a CA prisoner)
Amerikan democracy (by a CA prisoner)
- Promoting MIM & Organizing in general
Help MIM end National Oppression
Revolution and MIM
Maoism equals life
Unlock the Minds of the People (by a NY prisoner)
Film clip art (by mousnonya)
- War on Terrorism
Bush pulling Sharon's strings in Israeli invasion of Palestine
11"x17" PDF flier(poster by a RAIL comrade)
U$ troops invading the Philippines
11"x17" PDF flier(poster by a RAIL comrade)
Fighting Imperialism is NOT Terrorism
11"x17" PDF flier(poster by a RAIL comrade)
- U.$. atrocities
Absurd (Abu Ghraib abuse)
Photo collage of victims of U.$. sanctions on Iraq (MIM)
Photo collage of U$ atrocities (MIM Notes)
The electrocution of Allen Lee Davis by the state of Florida
Children flee U.$. napalm attack in Vietnam
Atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in WWII
- Anti-Amerika
Amerikan Soldiers, Lighter than a Feather
Pigmerika: Home Sweet Home
Lion ripping Amerikan flag
Amerikan road to ruin
Bush pig for oil
Amerikan puts world in chains
Amerikan cars driving for imperialism
Amerikan imperialism is a paper tiger
U$ Parasites Swarm over Baghdad
Map of U$ Invasions Around the Globe
U$ Imperialism Kills Millions (.PDF file of a sticker by a RAIL comrade)
Imperialism: majority can't live with it
11"x17" PDF flier(poster by a RAIL comrade)
U$ sucks oil wealth (ex-Maine prisoner)
National Oppression is U$A (Movement anti-imperialist newspaper from 1960s)
U$ Crush World (ex-Maine Prisoner)
U$ Shit (ex-Maine Prisoner)
Corporate PinHeads (ex-Maine Prisoner)
Imperialist Squeeze Earth (MIM)
Anyone Home? Corporations (ex-Maine Prisoner)
U$ Lynching (Movement newspaper - 1960s)
Bourgeois journalism perpetuates oppressed nationalism (Movement newspaper - 1960s)
Janet Reno cartoon (prisoner)
Stop U$ involvement in world (MIM)
Imperialist war on children (MIM)
Pilot strike parasitism (MIM)
Amerikan-backed killing in Columbia (MIM)
UPS strikers want more pie (MIM)
California Prop. 209 in Action (MIM)
Pequot Massacre
U.$ Militarism (MIM)
Filippino Anti-Amerikan Poster
U.$. Imperialism Eats the Earth (MIM)
One Nation, Under the Klan (MIM)
ClintonKlan Alert (MIM)
4 More Years (MIM)
Caution: Labor Aristocracy at Work! (MIM)
- End the Amerikkkan Lockdown
newSmash Capitalism
Get Free
MIM: Join the United Front
Unlock the Box: End all IMU and SHU
MLM Prisoner stands strong
Amerika fears those who resist
Their lock, our key
Broken Key
Scale diagram of a control unit cell
Amerikkkan Lockdown = National Oppression
Amerika behind bars
Prisoner in cell with fist raised
Guard beating prisoner in cell (by a Prisoner)
Prison nation (by a Prisoner)
Time Well Spent or Wasted Time? (by a Prisoner)
Please Help us Break the Chains? (by a Prisoner)
No Longer a Prisoner of Ignorance
Lost prisoner at window (prisoner)
Prisoner in bottle at sea (prisoner)
Prison in the eye (prisoner)
Prison Industrial Complex (prisoner)
Prison torture (prisoner)
Unit insanity (prisoner)
Break the noose (prisoner)
Lynching at the Capital (IL prisoner)
Censorship Collage (MIM)
No more dead souls! (prisoner)
First Nations fight oppression (CO prisoner)
Support Books for Prisoners (prisoner & MIM)
Fist Tower (IL prisoner)
Struggle is in the heart (prisoner)
Fight Censorship (MIM)
Correspondence is freedom (IL prisoner)
Prisons torture First Nation (CO prisoner)
Lock on education (FL prisoner)
Men Against Controlled Segregation (prisoner)
Free Mumia (prisoner)
Open Cuffs (prisoner)
self-portrait of a prisoner (prisoner)
Shadowed Incarceration (prisoner)
Prisons Amerikkkan Style (MIM)
Fight Slave labor (prisoner)
Fight Slave labor collage (MIM)
Fight slave labor collage 2 (MIM)
Slavery Clock (IL prisoner)
Students and Prisoners Unite! (MIM)
Prisoner envelope portrait (IL prisoner)
Religious repression of prisoners in Amerika (MIM)
Norfolk prison photo (MIM)
Killer kops in kalifornia (MIM)
Black Man Behind Bars (by a Prisoner)
Prison Numbers Continue Skyward (MIM)
Historical slaveship
Murder Capital of the World
Our Stronger Metal (MIM)
Maoist Prisoner Speaks
Prisoner Rage (MIM)
Black Nation behind bars
- Stop Police!
Lazy Pigs (Movement newspaper - 1960s)
Pig Pig (Movement newspaper - 1960s)
wind-up pig (movement newspaper - 1960s)
Devil in a Blue Suit (MIM)
Police Lynching, 1997 (MIM)
Justice of the War (MIM)
Out of Uniform!
Police Brutality
Stamp Out Police Brutality (MIM)
- Don't Vote-Organize!
Two headed snake of Kerry and Bush
Don't Vote (MIM)
What difference does it make? (MIM)
The 1996 Election Debate (MIM)
Stop the Vote (MIM)
- Revolutionary Feminism
Fight reproductive experimentation (MIM)
Feminist Revolution (MIM)
- Revolutionary Environmentalism
People's Earth (MIM)
Filippino Villages Face Toxic Pollutants (MIM)
Squatters in the Manila region have no sewers (MIM)
Manila squatters 2 (MIM)
Manila children at environmental risk (MIM)
Imperialist open-pit mining in the Philippines (MIM)
- In support of Third World National Liberation Struggles
African womyn w/gun (movement newspaper - 1960s)
China Dragon (IL prisoner)
Israeli hypocrisy (MIM)
Unity in peru (MIM)
- First Nation National Liberation Struggles
Reclaiming indigenous lands
Row Wampum
- Puerto Rican/Latino National Liberation Struggles
Tear down the borders
Figures of Resistance (by a Prisoner)
Illegitimate U$/Mexican border
11"x17" PDF flier(poster by a RAIL comrade)
Libre Fist (IL prisoner)
Womyn w/gun (IL prisoner)
Thanks for the Input! (MIM)
Free the Puerto Rican P.O.W.s! (by a Massachusetts prisoner)
Nasa Go Home
Proto Aqui: Un Chernobyl Flotante
Nuestras Luchas No Han Terminado
Japon: Tus Desechos Nucleares No Aqui!
En Una Sola Voz: No al Plutonio!
Viva Puerto Rico Libre (MIM)
Unkle Sam versus the People (MIM)
- Deng Xiapoing, Capitalist Roader
Chinese Masses Rally Against Deng, for the Cultural Revolution
Deng on the Capitalist Road (MIM)
- News and history: photos and images of real life
- September 6, 2003 Million Youth March
After the rally, MIM gets close up picture of Black Panther images on stage
Famous picture of slave ship design at the rally
- May 1, 2003 in the Netherlands, posting a RAIL poster
May 1 inspires someone to put up RAIL poster in Netherlands
- June 5 Anti-War (Yugoslavia) March photos, Washington D.C.
Thousands march toward the Pentagon (MIM Notes photo)
Right-wing demonstrator (MIM Notes photo)
Serb nationalist marcher (MIM Notes photo)
Rally surveillance at the Pentagon (MIM Notes photo)
- Jericho '98 Photos
Flags over the Jericho rally
The Jericho crowd
Cops hassle literature distributors
- Millions for Mumia March photos
Thousands rally in Philly 1 (MIM Notes photo)
Thousands rally in Philly 2 (MIM Notes photo)
Thousands rally in Philly 3 (MIM Notes photo)
Pig sidebar at the rally (MIM Notes photo)
Anti-community policing (MIM Notes photo)
Dennis Brutus, one of many speakers (MIM Notes photo)
- People
Heroes of Revolution (by a Prisoner)
Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, Turkish Maoist leader
Gonzalo, Peruvian Maoist leader
Jiang Qing, Chinese Maoist leader
Edith Lagos, comrade-in-arms of Comrade Gonzalo
Mao Zedong, Chinese Maoist leader
Huey Newton, Black Maoist leader
Jose Marie Sison, Filipino Maoist leader
Fred Hampton, comrade-in-arms of Comrade Newton
William Hinton in the Philippines (MIM Photo)
Mumia Abu Jamal
Rafael Baylosis in Prison
Raffael Baylosis at MIM/RAIL event (MIM Photo)
Josef Stalin
- Clip-art (for use in collages only)
Uncle $am
Slave Ship
Frustrated artists offer free political ideas for cartoons/videos
Look at 's art for MIM advertising!