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The Revolutionary Communist Party -- A Glimpse Behind the Curtain September 5, 2004 by RedStar2000 |
This is a collection of rather lengthy posts that touch on a wide variety of subjects. What is important in all of this, in my opinion, is that it's a sample of the "atmosphere" of a contemporary Maoist party...while it is still functional.
This is quite rare...usually those who leave or are expelled from a Leninist party are full of "sour grapes". They have a psychological incentive to make things look "worse" than they might have actually been.
But what is of interest is what happens inside a Leninist party between those who are nominally "comrades".
If you were a member of a Leninist party, what would it feel like?
Not too good.
quote: For seven years I was one of the principle organizers for the October 22 Coalition in a major US city. I was also a RCP [Revolutionary Communist Party U.S.] supporter during that time. Recently, it has become clear that the RCP has summed up the work we did in October 22, and the mass work in general in the city that I live in, as having been basically led by a revisionist line. Apparently some of the things that I wrote on the 2changetheworld website regarding the mass line are being taken as concentrations of the revisionist line that predominated in the RCP’s mass work (in my city) during that period. There has been a turn to greater emphasis on paper selling and promoting Avakian as part of the shift away from and rectification of the sort of mass work we did when I was a supporter of the RCP.
Those here who followed the mass line and related debates on 2changetheworld might remember that, except at the very end, both I and those I was debating with on the mass line and other issues believed we were upholding the RCP’s line on the mass line. That is because I was running the line I was trained in by the RCP. During that whole time, I was working closely with the RCP and never received any indication that the line I was putting out on the website was considered wrong at all. In fact, all of the comrades in my (younger) age group who read the debate concurred that what I was saying represented what we had been trained in, and there was no feedback from older comrades.
It has come to my attention that the RCP is going around telling people, including people close to me, that I am a revisionist. If the RCP is going to do this, it should tell me so outright, and should take responsibility for training me in a revisionist (or ‘revisionist’) line. I do not expect people here to be able to address the particular errors being made by people who call one a revisionist behind one’s back but don’t say anything to your face.
But since I have never received a response to the dozens of papers I have written up for the RCP over the years, the only way to have any dialogue about this and to find out more about how the RCP is summing up the whole period of the 1990s mass initiatives, is to raise the issue for public discussion. And perhaps that is better. After all, these are life and death issues of revolution, even if part of my motivation here is to make better sense of what I was doing for 7 years of my life. In my opinion, the RCP has a responsibility to make an explicit summation of the work it did during that period.
What little discussion I have been able to have with RCP supporters on this topic has been contradictory. One local person described the work we had done as a “bridge to nowhere,” while someone at the O22 national office said that was an incorrect summation, but didn’t elaborate.
I really want to understand the thinking behind the RCP’s shift and what it is thinking about all the work that we did during the 1990s.
That said, I have some trepidation about entering into debate on this website. During the final period of the 2changetheworld debates, I think that the team that was putting forward the RCP’s line on that website took a basically dishonest turn in how they handled people who disagreed with them. One example of this is that, when I pointed out what I felt were factual inconsistencies between Dolly Veale’s description of some things STORM (or STORM supporters) had written and the actual written document, I was accused of having an identity politics line. Now, in my opinion, if Veale disagreed with me, she should have written out why she thought I was wrong, and how what she wrote was actually consistent with the original document. Instead, I was accused of having an identity politics line. As a European-American who spent years where much of my main work involved being the lone representative of the RCP’s line in situations where I was the only European-American around for miles (i.e. going to investigate police murders in Black and Latino neighborhoods, going to meetings of revolutionary nationalist groups to unite in struggle against police brutality, trying to win family members of police murder victims and the unjustly incarcerated to take up aspects of MLM and the RCP’s line, etc.), I find it incredible that I was accused of identity politics. That is exactly what identity politics says I should not have been doing, and I stand by much of that practice.
So, like I said, I have some trepidation about re-entering web-based dialogue with RCP supporters, given the attitude that was taken toward contrary opinions during the final period of the 2changetheworld debates. But I don’t think there is any other forum available for getting into these issues, so I suppose I have to keep my fingers crossed and hope that you all will be principled and thoughtful.
This is the full text of a post at the AnotherWorldIsPossible board.
But you do not need to bother with clicking the won't find it there. It was posted in the AWIP Introductions forum yesterday morning (Thursday, August 26th) and then deleted by the AWIP "global moderator" (a passionate supporter of the RCP and Bob Avakian and also a member of Che-Lives). When I discovered the deletion (last night), I reposted it in the AWIP Theory forum...and it was deleted again this morning.
Instead, there was a pm from the GM in my inbox...
quote: I msg'd him about the post that he made. This is not the appropriate forum for this. Please do not repost this again.
There are obviously a whole bunch of questions involved here, both of "line" and of "methods of struggle".
The "mass line" is a Maoist "buzzword" -- it means simply whatever the main focus of the party's agitation is at any given moment.
So, in the 1990s, this guy spent seven years carrying out the RCP's "mass line" -- which evidently involved trying to organize people of color against police terrorism.
Now, he's a "revisionist" -- practically a "capitalist-roader" -- for doing what the RCP told him to do.
For seven years, no one in the RCP leadership criticized his work and suddenly *abracadabra!* he's a "revisionist".
Which raises another question. Who was responsible for this "revisionist mass line"?
We know that in RCP circles, it is ***BOB AVAKIAN*** that has the final say on everything of importance -- other RCP members not only admit that but boast of it. One of them recently posted: We are not just following Bob Avakian's ideas, we are following HIM.
If the RCP's "mass line" of the 1990s was "revisionist", it could only come from one source: Bob Avakian himself.
The "Great Leader" fucked up!
Faced with the ultimate embarrassment, how do RCP supporters respond?
By suppressing discussion of the entire matter!
There was a thread once at AWIP where I was arguing with RCP supporters about the stifling internal life of Leninist parties...and was informed in no uncertain terms that as I had no first-hand information on the internal life of the RCP, I was not entitled to speak on the matter.
So, enter this comrade who does have first-hand knowledge of the matter...and his testimony is suppressed.
Fortunately, there is Che-Lives...where the politically embarrassing behavior of "left" groups and individuals is routinely dragged out in the open for all to see...and criticize.
Oh, by the way, I have tendered my resignation as a moderator of the AWIP board...for obvious reasons. --------------------------------------------------------- First posted at Che-Lives on August 27, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------
quote: And I (personally) have a great deal of confidence (even without the details) that if a post was removed, it was for good reason. And I'm sure the moderators are debating any controversies among themselves.
The real moderators "may" be furiously exchanging pms...who knows? But up until this morning, I was a moderator and was not consulted on either deletion.
quote: On another point: let me just say that I do not want to be part of a gossip forum...where unverifiable rumors and supposed "internal" details of revolutionary organizations are circulated for all kinds of purposes. This is not "questions" or principled politics.
The deleted post, "gossip" aside, did raise principled questions:
1. Was the RCP's "mass line" in the 1990s "revisionist"?
2. Why?
3. Who was responsible for that?
quote: And let's develop, train and support a core moderator team that can do this -- since you precisely DON'T want to publish every outrageous charge and potential police plant publicly for EVERYONE to debate its veracity.
"Potential police plant"? I saw some of those things during the COINTELPRO years...the deleted post bore no resemblance whatsoever to that old crap.
The general tone, in fact, was one of bewilderment...a guy spends seven years busting his ass for the RCP and finds himself labeled a "revisionist"...and wants to know "what did I do that was wrong?"
Well, what did he do "that was wrong"?
Is it simply a matter of when the RCP line changed, he didn't change with it? Or change "fast enough"? Or show any genuine enthusiasm for the change?
quote: We are on the eve of the RNC.
Indeed we are. I, however, live more than a thousand miles from New York...and while I will follow developments with interest, I do not think it's the "eve of the revolution" and that all other controversies must be "set aside" for the duration.
quote: And for those who aren't trying to accomplish something politically (i.e. in the real world), this framework I'm discussing may seem unnecessary and unfair. But that itself is part of the point. Because the point of our discussion (to me, and to many others) is precisely to "change the world", not to idly flap our gums around issues of common intellectual (or even E!-style personal gossip entertainment) curiosity.
"Changing the world" is a multi-dimensional project. It's not just a matter of having "the correct line".
Living, breathing revolutionaries, especially those with experience in the struggle, are your most precious resource...and you squander them at your peril.
If this guy ends up in some reformist crapola (or worse!), who is really responsible for that? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at AnotherWorldIsPossible on August 27, 2004 Deleted by the moderators on August 28, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: I was just thinking...I posted something in the Practice forum about the protest and a group called the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade that was going to protest in Central Park re: the permit against Peace and Justice group. I wonder now...if they are part of the RCP??
They certainly are! It's the RCP's "youth group".
Meanwhile, here is a post of mine at AWIP...which they deleted: ________________ See the post above
And here is something on RCP practice in the 1990s that I was able to turn up...
quote: I know the exact day that the insufficiency of the RCP's method became clear to me. It was one week before 20,000 students engaged in the largest anti-capitalist demonstration New York has seen in decades on March 23, 1995. It was when the student movement at the City University of New York (CUNY) began to take on a mass character in opposition to budget cuts. The activists, a diverse lot - though primarily people of color and working class - had fought hard for weeks over two basic questions: "Do we target the Republican state administration or capitalism/neo-liberalism," and "Do we unite with the Democrats and their flunkies or attempt to "divert" the spontaneous movement towards more revolutionary and anti-capitalist positions?"
Needless to say, these were hotly contested questions. And guess what? The revolutionaries won. They didn't just win a show of hands. They won scores of other people from numerous explicit and implicit political trends over to the more radical politics.
Immediately a NEW two-line struggle broke out: Do we have a big, permitted mass rally - or do we engage in this "new" thing called "direct action?"
At the particular mass meeting I had my RCP epiphany, about 150 activists were present and the room was wild. It was the kind of scene that taught me revolution really is possible.
Anyway, after months of organizing, the RCP finally got around to showing up. It wasn't worth the wait.
While we were having a heated debate about issues of legality, this 45-year-oldish white RCYB member got up, lifted his arm and held the Revolutionary Worker aloft. There was a gleam in his eye.
"All this talk isn't going to get you anywhere if you don't 'get down' with what RCP Chairman Bob Avakian has to..." He didn't get to finish his sentence because EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE ROOM began heckling and yelling so loudly that he had to slink out with his tail between his legs.
Makes you shake your head in disbelief, doesn't it?
quote: Hey RS, NOW can you see some people's hesitation of aligning to any Party or joining any organization????
I not only see it, I share it! From time to time, people here have asked me about various groups that they are considering joining. And I've always responded the same way: check them out face to face, see what they're like "close up", how they "operate" with each other, etc. They may say all kinds of "revolutionary" stuff...but the reality may well turn out to be just another shitty underpaid job!
Or worse, a cult!
And what happens with terrible frequency is that people spend years in such an environment and, when they realize they've been used by their "great leader", respond with a positive hatred of all communist politics. Sometimes, they even turn right-wing because of their disgust with the "left".
I also tell people are who already in some group that if they start getting "bad vibes" from the group they're in, take a walk & don't look back!
There is much talk in Leninist parties about "principled struggle" -- forget it! It doesn't happen. Even the smallest doubt of the leadership is grounds for an escalating "war of nerves" that will end in your expulsion. Don't beat your head against a wall, trying to make them "see reason". They are blind in that portion of the spectrum.
If you are going to spend a lifetime in radical politics, then you must learn as early as possible that bullshit is not to be "tolerated", period.
There are good people out there for you to work them out and don't settle for "working" with assholes because "there's no one else". If you can't find any right away, you're better off reading some books while you wait for the good guys to appear. When the time comes, you'll have a better theoretical foundation for your work...and even less tolerance for bullshit.
quote: But what was wrong with the tactic of organizing people of color against police terrorism, that it is now deemed as revisionist?
Beats the fuck out of me!
And the RCP has refused to discuss it.
Not the least bizarre aspect of this whole affair. --------------------------------------------------------- First posted at Che-Lives on August 28, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------
quote: This thread kept me up all night in a rage!
My apologies.
But, yeah, this is really some incredible shit, ain't it?
We have an RCP "supporter" (I now have the impression that whenever someone uses the phrase "RCP supporter", you should read that as member) at Che-Lives and I have posted in two of his threads in Politics directing him to this thread and asking him to respond.
We'll see if he does.
quote: Wherever they line up in the debates, thinkers agree that the notion of identity has become indispensable to contemporary political discourse, at the same time as they concur that it has troubling implications for models of the self, political inclusiveness, and our possibilities for solidarity and resistance.
I completely agree, of is the largest "can of worms" in the American left.
And much as I like to write "as if I had all the answers"...I have written very little about this subject because I don't have any answers to speak of.
In fact, all I can offer is something along the lines of "white revolutionaries should respect the wishes of people of color unless those wishes are clearly and openly reactionary". Piss-poor, I know, but none of the "Marxist" analyses that I've run across seem to address reality.
Meanwhile, I "await developments".
quote: What really bothers me is how Avakian controls things and doesn't seem to allow the "party" much discretion in matters -- the very definition of a "party" is the whole participation and unity in principle and decision making. Rather it seems, he gets a group of people who will carry out his diabolical plan to become leader of the communist world.
There are a ton of posts on the AWIP board glorifying Avakian -- "a living Marx", etc. -- but, when you get right down to it, everything Avakian actually says about post-revolutionary society is vague as hell.
Frankly, I think the "devil" would come up with a better plan. --------------------------------------------------------- First posted at Che-Lives on August 28, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------
quote: RCP..I fucked off a few years around those silly cats 15 years ago.
Avakian is nothing but a windbag.
I am re-posting this article on that site; just for the fuck of it.
Hello Bobby!
From what I can tell, it's already been deleted. (!)
You might share it with us, of course.
quote: I feel the shit hitting the fan with this thread.
I certainly hope so.
It's so rare that we get a chance to examine a living specimen of one of these outfits...usually, it's only after they die that we get to "autopsy the corpse".
And by that point, the people who were involved are no longer entirely rational on the subject; like as not, they've "coped" with their blasted hopes by asserting that "Marxism = cultism" or some such nonsense.
I would like this thread to serve as a vaccination for young revolutionaries against infection by these pseudo-revolutionary "communists" who behave in such an unprincipled fashion that Marx and Engels would be would any real communist.
quote: Avakian seems like a paper-shredder to me!
Well, his disciples certainly are! *laughs* --------------------------------------------------------- First posted at Che-Lives on August 29, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------
quote: My only problem is with...your sarcastic use of the terms "Great Leader" and "Dear Leader".
Here is what an RCP supporter wrote on August 26th...
quote: Next thought was a matter of sharpening line: In fact, it is not just Avakian's ideas or his works that are promoted. But him as a leader. In other words, it is not just his works that are important. but his method. His approach. And also him as a person.
When they come for him, they will not just come for his books, but for him as a person.
When he leads in future decisive movements, it will not just be xeroxes of his past works that lead, but him (as a living person actually and literally LEADING.)
He is a key theoretical leader of the ICM, and a developer of MLM. but he is also a leader -- with all that means.
So there are actually issues of line: are we just promoting the ideas of this man, or are we talking about him as a person, a persona. Do the people need to "know his ideas" or do we need to help them know about HIM.
Similarly, are we simply following "his ideas" or are we following him.
If the actual terms "great leader" or "dear leader" have been avoided (thus far), I suspect that's simply because it would "still" be regarded as unseemly.
But Avakian has certainly been described as "a living Marx" by RCP supporters on numerous occasions at the AWIP board...and, I think, it was even said here.
I seriously urge you to come over to the RCP thread and discuss these issues.
An aside: the modern use of the word "revisionism" has become promiscuous -- it now means anything that the user of the word disagrees with.
In Lenin's day, it did have a specific referred to social-democratic "Marxism" -- a "formal Marxism" that had been emptied of any revolutionary content.
Now, it's just a "cuss word" -- something you can call someone when you don't want to take the trouble to actually criticize their politics in a principled way.
The modern meaning of the word "revisionist" is: thick-headed wanker who refuses to acknowledge that I'm right. --------------------------------------------------------- First posted at Che-Lives on August 29, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------
quote: The mass line is the method through which the party both learns from and leads the masses. To apply the mass line means to seek out and learn from the ideas of the masses and to apply the science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to concentrate what is correct in these ideas, distilling and synthesizing them into a more all-sided and correct reflection of reality and what must be done to change it. The party then takes this back to the masses in the form of line and policies, works to win the people to take these up, and unites with the masses to carry them out...summing up the results and then repeating the process. -- The RCP Draft Programme
This is so vague that even I can find nothing to object's what anyone with any Marxist pretensions and common sense would do automatically.
What is controversial is a specific "mass line" in a specific country with a specific history.
What is this particular party telling people in this particular historical context?
Is it true? Is it accurate? Is it really "raising revolutionary consciousness"?
The Draft Programme simply assumes that "of course", the party's current "mass line" is correct.
But what if it isn't?
Who is responsible, if not the leadership?
And how can it be corrected (you would say "rectified") if the leadership resists that?
Or, suppose the "mass line" is correct and is making (slow) progress and the party leadership becomes impatient...and changes it into an incorrect line?
Then the struggle for "rectification" becomes, perforce, a struggle against the leadership...and we know how those turn out, don't we?
In addition, there is the question of implementation...which the Draft Programme also simply assumes will be done in a thoughtful and conscientious way.
But that's not always is the case, is it?
A "good line" can be implemented in a wide variety of ways...good and bad.
I offered this conjecture once before (without response) so I will repeat it: Maoists seem to assume that a correct "mass line" is "all you need" -- and "good practice" will automatically follow.
Do you think that's true?
I did read the threads that were linked to...and there did seem to be some "undercurrents" there -- suggesting perhaps a disagreement in its very earliest stages (when people are still reassuring one another that they agree even though they really don't).
But the only specific example of a "mass line" was that of China in 1937-45...which even the participants in those threads conceded was irrelevant to the situation now in the U.S.
So, in the absence of details, we end up discussing abstractions.
Should communists publicly be communists? I would certainly hope so.
Should communists push a "communist take" on current "spontaneous" struggles -- both learning from and criticizing them? How could anyone disagree with that?
Should communists participate in such struggles? Sure...unless they are forced to abandon communist ideas in order to do so.
Are there "stages" of political consciousness that people "must" pass through? Almost certainly not. And even if there are, it's not something that communists can or should "use". If people "must" pass through bourgeois liberalism, reformism, etc., then that's the task of bourgeois liberals, reformists, etc. to perform, not us! We should be attacking liberalism, reformism, etc. and not joining in the muck fest.
So, what do we have here to "wrangle" about? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at AnotherWorldIsPossible on August 29, 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
This morning, I received this email from the author of the suppressed post at AWIP...
quote: I have to say I'm pretty disappointed by how people on the Che Lives website responded to your re-post of my piece for AWIP. I had hoped for a thoughtful and helpful back and forth with RCP supporters on some issues that are of great concern to me. Instead, my comments were taken by a bunch of anti-communists as the basis to make incoherent and petty attacks on communism, the concept of the vanguard party, the RCP and Bob Avakian. While I obviously have my contradictions with the RCP, I have a lot of respect for the organization as a whole. I also have tremendous respect for Bob Avakian, even though I think the way in which they are promoting him these days makes it less likely rather than more likely that people will engage his work. In fact, I think that the RCP needs to learn more from Avakian, and that if it did so, some of the cultish elements of how he is promoted would disappear.
After reading the comments on Che Lives, I have to say that I think the moderators on AWIP were correct to delete my post, if that was the sort of stuff it was going to give rise to. I can't post on Che Lives, since I don't have an identity there, so please put my comments in the thread there.
I do appreciate your own thoughtful response to my post and your sympathy for my situation.
This was my response...
I will be glad to post your comments, of course.
But I must add that while I too hoped for a more thoughtful and extensive response to this thread, I do not think it fair/accurate to consider the responses "anti-communist" in tone or content.
What I think people were trying to express is their sense that "personality cultism" is in and of itself anti-communist...regardless of any other considerations.
As you know, both Mao and Avakian take the position that "personality cults" can be "good" or "bad"...depending on the "line" followed by the particular personality in question. If the "line" is "good", then a cult of that particular personality is "good".
On a theoretical level, the objection to this proposition is that it's a-historical. It neglects the inevitability of human error...that the "good" personality will not always "be good" because his line will not always be "correct".
What I think most of the responses at Che-Lives reflected was a "gut reaction" to such of indignant rejection.
Not only does that not make them "anti-communist", they are very much within the outlook of Marx and Engels themselves (even if they don't know it)...who consistently rejected a whole series of 19th century "personality cults" (Proudhon, Duhring, Lasalle, etc.) including early efforts to make a cult out of THEM -- Engels in a letter to the young Karl Kautsky: "Stop calling me teacher! My name is Engels!"
I'm disappointed that you now think it was "correct" for the AWIP moderators to delete your post. I think their flat refusal to discuss the questions you raised suggests, at the very least, a serious theoretical inadequacy -- a "gap" between the abstractions about the "mass line" in the RCP's draft program and the reality of their actual practice. A thread was started about the "mass line" at AWIP -- but again, it was entirely limited to abstractions so vague and fuzzy that even I could find nothing to "criticize".
It seems to me that the RCP simply doesn't want to deal with "the hard questions" that might prove "embarrassing". Perhaps they're "leaving it all to Bob" to figure out.
And perhaps Bob is "on vacation"...! ------------------------------------------------------------ First posted at Che-Lives on September 1, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------
quote: A "good" personality should take the inevitability of human error into consideration when making their decisions.
Maybe they "should"...but they don't.
Indeed, how could they? After you've been told by your followers over and over again that "the sun shines out of your ass", how could you entertain even the abstract possibility that you "might be wrong"? Your head is so swollen that you can't get through a standard-sized doorway!
quote: The masses are the real heroes, while we ourselves are often childish and ignorant, and without this understanding, it is impossible to acquire even the most rudimentary knowledge.-- Mao
So he says...but what did he do?
Here is a critique that I posted at AWIP last week of Mao's (and Avakian's) "take" on the Shanghai Commune...
quote: In the city of Shanghai, which was a stronghold of the Cultural Revolution, there was a mass uprising of more than a million people.
Yes, there was. A genuine proletarian revolution...China's first one.
quote: So they had this mass upheaval in Shanghai, and in the initial stages, after they overthrew the old ruling committee in the city, they established for a brief time what was called the Shanghai Commune...And one of the things they did in the Paris Commune was that all officials were elected by direct popular vote, and could be recalled by direct expression of the masses in a popular referendum. And so they implemented policies of this kind in the Shanghai Commune, modeling themselves after the Paris Commune.
The "spectre" of communism made its first real appearance in China.
quote: Mao came forward with a statement that, under the circumstances, the Shanghai Commune was not the appropriate form in which to exercise the dictatorship of the proletariat.
Not "appropriate"? Marx and Engels thought otherwise...but what did they know?
quote: [Mao] said: "I'm afraid that this commune form is not strong enough to suppress counter-revolutionaries." And he also said, "What are we going to do about international relations -- what about all the ministers we have that are like the foreign minister, who is going to appoint the foreign minister? I'm afraid all these other countries wouldn't recognize the ministers that would be appointed in this way."
Is this crap or is it really crap?
The Shanghai Commune had just suppressed the counter-revolutionaries who were running the city!
Too bad their "reach" did not extend to Peking!
And other countries do not, as it happens, give a fucking rat's ass "how you appoint your foreign minister".
One possibility is that Mao told the Commune to dissolve themselves or the army would come in and dissolve them...and the Commune did not wish to share the fate of their Parisian ancestors.
But there could be another explanation: after two plus decades of disgusting leader-worship, the Commune was dismayed that Mao did not support them!
They really believed that Mao would support them, poor bastards!
quote: If you have everybody taking part in these elections, directly choosing all the political representatives in that way, then bourgeois forces are going to come to dominate these elections, and we're going to get representatives of the bourgeoisie elected.
Instead of doing it "properly" -- having representatives of the bourgeoisie appointed by the Communist Party of China!
quote: Because people who ruled in the old society and people they link up who want to go back to the old society have tremendous advantages over the masses of people because of the inequalities that existed for centuries that the revolution was only beginning to address and overcome.
Centuries? Come on, any "advantage" that someone from the old order can have is limited to their actual life-span and the experiences thereof.
"Class superiority" is not genetic.
quote: ...because you are not going to be able to free up everybody to spend the time that is necessary to go into these different realms and really learn to immerse themselves in these spheres and begin to master them.
Well, they could have started with a measure recommended by Marx and Engels -- the shortening of the working day -- back in 1847.
quote: What Mao was saying is this: If you just have direct elections and direct recall of all officials, what you're going to have is a situation where people who have more facility with ideas and can articulate things better will come to dominate this process, or else you'll have people who don't know enough to actually deal in the realms that have to be dealt with to keep society going and keep the revolution going forward, and we'll lose it that way. So this is not a form we can adopt now.
Or ever!
quote: Instead, Mao proposed and popularized a form that...brought forward what were called revolutionary committees, which combined representatives of the masses with representatives of experts and party members in various forms to actually be the administrative body in all the different institutions...This is something that we can actually implement which will keep power in the hands of the masses of people...
A fucking lie!
Those "three-in-one committees" were actually overseen by army officers to make sure that the masses "didn't get out of hand".
quote: If we overstep that, then we're going to get thrown back -- back into the horror of the old society.
Which is exactly what happened...thanks be to Chairman Mao!
It is no wonder that the Shanghai Commune is a standing embarrassment to "MLM" -- these utterly pathetic excuses combined with the counter-revolutionary outcome of Mao's response reveal Maoism as nothing more than a shabby caricature of Marxism.
We know Marx's response to the Paris Commune...and here and now we know Mao's and Avakian's response to a similar event.
Need more be said?
The Paris Commune lasted 80 days. Thanks to Chairman Mao, the first Shanghai Commune lasted 18 days.
There will be a second.
So compare: Mao's "formal statement" of "humility" and his real line: despotism!
Note that Avakian completely agrees with Mao's real line.
Ask yourself honestly: of what value are statements about "learning from the masses" when, if you dislike the "lesson", you suppress it?
Whether it's the "unruly" working class of Shanghai or a sharply critical post at AWIP, "learning from the masses" clearly has its limits for Avakian and the RCP.
Very narrow limits. ------------------------------------------------------------ First posted at Che-Lives on September 1, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================== |
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What Did Marx "Get Wrong"? September 13, 2004
Class in Post-Revolutionary Society - Part 1 July 9, 2004
Demarchy and a New Revolutionary Communist Movement November 13, 2003
A New Type of Communist Organization October 5, 2003
The "Tools" of Marxism July 19, 2003
Marxism Without the Crap July 3, 2003
What is Socialism? An Attempt at a Brief Definition June 19, 2003
What is Communism? A Brief Definition June 19, 2003
A New Communist Paradigm for the 21st Century May 8, 2003
On "Dialectics" -- The Heresy Posts May 8, 2003
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Unless you are a remarkably stupid kid, there’s one lesson you always learn in a violent home: it is much better to hit than to be hit!
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