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The "World Can't Wait" Campaign January 29, 2006 by RedStar2000 |
This is another discussion from the NYC Indymedia site...which is what my "mass outreach" amounts to these days. *laughs*
There does seem to be somewhat more interest in reformist perspectives among "lefties"...inspite of the visibly shrinking appeal of reformism to ordinary people in the U.S. I can't think of anyone who is hopefully awaiting the resurrection of Franklin D. Roosevelt or the appearance of some avatar of that historic bourgeois "left" reformer.
The attempt by the American Maoist "Revolutionary Communist Party" to "tap in" to reformist sentiments is especially curious...their "World Can't Wait" campaign is being taken over by the very bourgeois liberals that they claim to be opposed to "in principle".
Perhaps it's a lesson in what happens when people who at least subjectively think of themselves as "revolutionaries" try to out-maneuver the professionals.
It never works!
It's the "classic dilemma" of those who say, perhaps sincerely, that they "want to be revolutionaries" and yet cannot overcome their "awe" of existing institutions and practices.
They simply "can't imagine" a massive demonstration against Bush without permission.
They probably think that "no one would show up" if the demonstration was "illegal".
And they might be right about that. Falling into the hands of the American gestapo is not something lightly to be risked.
And big ritual protests in Washington, D.C. are "an American tradition"...just as meaningless as a superbowl half-time show.
So why not do something else?
Oh yeah, what?
That's a tough question for me...since I think the focus of the WCW campaign is fundamentally mistaken. The problem is not Bush as a "symbol of reaction" in U.S. politics, the problem is reaction.
You know that before the RCP set up the WCW campaign, a small number of their people openly demonstrated directly against Christian Fascism. This ended after Chairman Bob came up with the WCW campaign.
Why not attack the enemy directly, instead of just one of its (minor) symbols? Why not pick out some infamous advocates of Christian Fascism and "dog" their public appearances with as many angry people as can be found?
For one thing, that would be a good opportunity to build a principled alliance with GLBT and feminist groups...who have every reason to fear the triumph of Christian Fascism as they are certain to be the initial targets of ferocious repression. To some extent, that's already happening.
Focusing on the "political" personalities in public life is a mistake; their role is almost always to simply ratify decisions that have already been made meetings of "special interests" (a.k.a. the ruling class) where there are no cameras running.
We actually have two ideologies competing for ruling class endorsement and popular support at this time. The first is the kind of tough-minded secular imperialism that Dick Cheney (the real president) represents. And the second is, of course, Christian Fascism.
They both agree on a lot of stuff, no question about it. But efforts to mobilize public support for open imperialism have faltered. Whereas Christian fundamentalism does have a mass base...even if it's limited to less than 10% of the population. They're noisy and some of them have serious money.
So I think at this time it makes the most strategic sense to go after them...since they form the base of such popular support for U.S. imperialism that exists.
I await with anticipation Chairman Bob's thoughtful and carefully conceived response. *laughs* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 23, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: I'm sick of cowards.
And I of people who are demonstrably unable to read with comprehension.
We all have "our cross" to bear. *laughs*
quote: There are people involved in World Can't Wait who sincerely "want to be revolutionaries" and there are people who are pretty much straight liberal democrats. It's a broad coalition of people who want to see George Bush driven out of office, not a coalition of people on the far left.
No doubt...but the "rule" in such coalitions is that the "limits" are always set by the most right-wing participants. Those who "sincerely want to be revolutionaries" end up being constrained by the people with the strongest commitment to bourgeois liberal politics...and tactics.
Those who indignantly complain that the WCW campaign is "not an RCP front" may well be right...because it's already become a bourgeois liberal front.
And if it hasn' will!
quote: And arguing that no permitted demonstration has ever been effective is ridiculous. Martin Luther King spoke at the Lincoln Memorial in front of a massive crowd of people from all walks of life, not just a couple of anarchists willing to fight the cops.
That's irrelevant on at least two counts. First, King spoke in favor of bourgeois "right"...hardly a "revolutionary" message. Second, the original "March on Washington" was a new tactic then...something that did dramatically impress people. You know such actions now are hardly worth a 30-second spot on the dummyvision "news".
quote: If you really want to oppose Bush, you'll help us secure the permit in DC, not carp about who's "more revolutionary than thou".
Help you secure the permit? What do you expect us to do, pay your shysters?
Your defensiveness on this is kind of nothing I've said here impugns your "revolutionary" motives. It's the RCP's entire strategy that I'm questioning here.
WCW is not a good idea...shown by the very fact that you find yourself entangled in permits instead of engaged in politics.
As if you imagine that you have some kind of "right" to "peacefully petition for the redress of grievances" or something. *laughs*
Must I remind you that ordinary people have no rights under the despotism of capital.
Or has that Marxist truism just "slipped your mind" for the moment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 23, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: The conclusion I would draw here is that if ordinary people have no "bourgeois right" under the "despotism of capital" then demanding "bourgeois right" is a "revolutionary demand."
Well, it was in 1789! Things have changed somewhat since then. *laughs*
quote: I'm not a member of the RCP. In fact, up until the February 15th, 2003 and RNC protests, I was fairly conservative.
Fair enough. My comments are really addressed to supporters of the RCP...people who I think do sincerely want to "become" revolutionaries.
That people like yourself are moving towards bourgeois liberalism is perfectly understandable...even though you will find that your hopes for progressive change through the mechanisms of the existing system are doomed. Most likely, that's something you will have to learn through I did.
quote: What will make World Can't Wait's march on February 4th "new and dramatic" is the fact that it's the first march in American history to demand that a sitting president step down from office.
And Dick Cheney will be sworn in as the next president? That what you want? Think he'll be "better"?
quote: ...there is some way to take the next step beyond merely protesting the war or for abortion rights or against any number of little issues.
The "next step" is active resistance to the despotism of capital. It's the flat out refusal to submit.
But, admittedly, it's a huge step for people to take...and how to best "do it" is a very thorny problem.
I suggest that demonstrating without permission is one small way to begin.
quote: If they're denying the permit, what are they worried about?
That you might spoil the show, of course. By sticking you a mile away, they know the media will mostly ignore you. Whereas if you directly "crash the party", it would be difficult for the media to avoid displaying your presence...especially if you did that in substantial numbers.
But you won't, of course.
You know I just noticed the wording of the WCW press release at the head of this thread.
quote (WCW): Reverend Deborah Lake, a member of The World Can't Wait Steering Committee, emphasized the peaceful nature of the planned demonstration. "We're here to make a joyful noise unto the Lord," said Lake. "George Bush has led our nation into grave dangers, both at home and abroad, and we want to raise our voices, in songs, in spoken word, with musical instruments, with drums, with dancing, to show the president and the Congress that the spirit of dissent in America is alive and well and feisty!"
Reminds me of that demo back in 69 or 70 when people surrounded the Pentagon with the intention of "levitating it away". *laughs*
If one is going to participate in meaningless ritual, then I guess there's no reason why one shouldn't have a good time doing it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 24, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: It sickens me to see people attack Chairman Avakian and the RCP for being committed to the truth and for being the party most willing to come out and politically battle this Bush regime and for being the only chance this country has for a revolution that would be worth making. Chairman Avakian is bringing forward the most in depth analysis of Bush, where this shit is coming from, and how to bring a better world out of it, and re-envisioning socialism and communism in the process, and all you have to say is petty criticisms.
If this were typical, one would have to reluctantly conclude that there is little hope indeed for the RCYB or the RCP.
I could be wrong, but I think this is the same fellow who posted here last year about how we all need to "open our hearts to Bob Avakian". *laughs*
It is an illustration, I suppose, of the depths to which "late" Leninism has been reduced...mindless fans who can no more understand critical thinking about political questions than they could understand particle physics.
It is interesting to note that some bourgeois liberal Democrats are jumping aboard the WCW railroad...and makes you wonder just where this train is going.
I rather doubt that Revolution is a station on this line. *laughs" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 24, 2006 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: This movement is gaining momentum among some Democratic office-holders...
Alas for the poor "Revolutionary Communist Party". They have created a monster that will devour them.
WCW Press Release for September, 2006: Drive out the Bush regime: VOTE for JOE HACK, DEMOCRAT for CONGRESS!
This was actually predicted by another Marxist, fellow named Ben Seattle, back when the RCP originally announced the WCW campaign...and his prediction is starting to look really solid.
By the way, this is no reason for anarchists to feel smug. Remember all those "Celebrity Anarchists for Kerry"?
Get the message, folks! Bourgeois electoral politics is a show! What is real happens elsewhere! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 24, 2006 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: Nobody in WCW is calling for anybody to vote for anybody.
But you's inherent in the very logic of your focus.
Why do you think bourgeois liberal Democrats are jumping on your train? It ain't because they've "opened their hearts to Bob Avakian".
They see you as foot soldiers for their next electoral campaign. And most of you, if history is any guide, will fall for it.
quote: There are people inside the Democratic Party (like Al Gore and John Conyers) who are making important criticisms of the Bush administration.
And there are people in the press box making "important criticisms" of the superbowl half-time show.
So what? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 24, 2006 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: And if the Democrats are hoping to get "foot soldiers" out of World Can't Wait, really, so what? Other people here are accusing the RCP as doing the same thing. Once again, so what? Concentrate on what you have in common (driving Bush out of office) and then let all of the groups within World Can't Wait compete for new members or "foot soldiers". That's what a broad coalition is all about.
Doesn't that say something to you?
Something like "oh, politics as usual."
That is, politics on the bourgeois model..."competing interest groups" seeing who can out-manipulate one another, who can maneuver more skillfully, and -- the end goal -- who can grab the resources (a.k.a. plunder).
I don't "blame" people for falling for this's the "default mode" of class society. It's what people always do if they don't really think about what they're doing.
What's actually unfortunate about the present situation is that a group like the RCP is supposed to think about what they're doing...and they didn't.
quote: It's better to live under a government that respects your civil liberties and respects the rule of law.
If you say so. Having lived all my life in the U.S., I have no experience with your "ideal".
quote: I have trouble believing the kind of negativity I see in this post is real.
It's real.
The time when "leaders" could issue "proclamations" and everyone would just "fall in line" like "good soldiers" is over.
Blame the internet! *laughs*
Political discussion has a whole new dimension now...and a whole new (and much larger) constituency.
Once we "negativists" (a.k.a. critical thinkers) could only grumble privately at the latest public folly.
Things are different now.
quote: Much of this discussion is ridiculous. From RedStar claiming that the RCP is going Dem (uh, not even close) to rank pettiness. Look around. Get out of the bubble.
We are looking around...and some of us don't like what we see.
It's not a matter of the RCP "going Dem"'s a matter that the RCP has (perhaps unwittingly) created another new way to get people sucked in to the Democratic Party racket.
Pardon my "negativism" but that's not what revolutionaries are supposed to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 25, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: You're pissing on the graves of 100,000 Iraqis and 4000 dead black people in New Orleans.
If you're going to fall back on such nakedly emotional appeals, at least you should try to get the numbers right. The total of confirmed deaths in Hurricane Katrina is around 1,300...and some of them were "white". The last estimate that I saw of civilian casualties in Iraq was around 500,000!
When people respond to political criticisms by making appeals like yours, it suggests that a deep suspicion of your motives is justified.
quote: It's a vast improvement over anonymous red baiting, vulgar cynicism masquerading as 'criticism' and radical posturing in the form of trying to persuade other people to confront the state for you when you won't do it yourself.
If you are typical of WCW, then you deserve your fate. Your statement reeks of duplicity...nothing but another wretched version of political three-card monte.
Oh well, what can one expect from Democratic Party hustlers! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 26, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: Yeah I think people should get down and be followers of Bob Avakian...
Politics, in your view, consists of picking out "the best guy to follow".
The age-old illusion of all class societies: if we could just find "the good king" and "put him on the throne" then "all would be well in the world".
And Chairman Bob has already promised, literally, an "enlightened despotism". How could anyone be so "cynical" as to pass that up? *laughs*
quote: ...obviously you're not a communist or someone who is down with Lenin or Mao...
Yes, I understand that you think a communist must be "down with Lenin or Mao".
It's just something that's not so...not that I would expect you to grasp that at this point in your very young life.
quote: I am not afraid to work with Democrats and people like Al Sharpton, I think they getting down with WCW shows that this is not just Communists doing this, but a huge section of society, and shit, Gore Vidal is a huge advocate for WCW, Harold Pinter, Tom Duane...We work with these people because they are human beings...
No, you "work with them" because they are celebrities...whom you think will "add credibility" to your efforts.
Your "coalition" is a coalition of fans like yourself.
If Chairman Bob tells you to "vote Democrat" next November because it's "in the interests of the proletariat", you'll do it!
Sucker. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 26, 2006 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: Politics in Joey's view is going out and doing *himself* what other people are urging *other people* to do on the internet.
Apparently, he was busted in the Hunter College "torture" that aroused considerable controversy.
Hunter College Demo
And as it happens, I spoke up in support of it.
Scroll down to the bottom of page 4...
Hunter Page 4
So what would you have? If people do "good stuff" that promotes resistance, then I praise it. When people do servile stuff that promotes the "legitimacy" of the existing system, then I criticize it.
Would you find my views more appealing if I dragged out my old rap sheet from the 60s and 70s?
Shall we "follow" whoever has the longest rap sheet or whoever faces the heaviest charges? *laughs* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 26, 2006 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
quote: Dude, at some point you have to actually be for something...
I expressed my support for the young RCYBers who initially demonstrated explicitly against Christian Fascism.
And I also expressed my support for the Hunter College demo...because of the fact that it "shook people up".
quote: ...anyone who goes to church is an idiot...
Yes, that's true. *laughs*
quote: I'd rather be wrong and have tried...
The historical penalties for "being wrong" are sometimes rather severe ones.
Why not use your head and try to "get it right"?
quote: So everyone says marches are useless and standing around holding signs is a waste of time.
Actually, I think what people are saying is that the ceremonial versions of those actions are useless.
They increasingly resemble a kind of groveling before our rulers...something which does not build revolutionary consciousness.
To be sure, the building of revolutionary consciousness is not an objective of most of the people who do that sort of thing.
The RCP is "supposed to be different". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- First posted at NYC Indymedia on January 27, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================== |
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