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So, let's forget everything Hegel, Marx and Mao said. Let's pretend to be Marx and for the first time read the "Origins of Species" by Darwin where he is talking about what he saw on a given island.
"For during many successive generations each individual beetle which flew least, either from its wings having been ever so little less perfectly developed or from indolent habit, will have had the best chance of surviving from not being blown out to sea; and, on the other hand, those beetles which most readily took to flight would oftenest have been blown to sea, and thus destroyed."That's it, no more dialectical tomes. That is all you have, one paragraph. Can we teach it?
No, let's not find the obvious parallels in Marx and Mao. Our critics claim to be too stupid and they claim you are too stupid to do that. Some of these are going to contemplate why bacteria do not have opposable thumbs, because they are so capable, but not capable enough to handle dialectics.
So forget them all. YOU derive something from the above paragraph and call it dialectical materialism just for name sake. Then USE the same thing on something going on RIGHT NOW. Forget everybody in-between, just you, Darwin and what's going on right now.
Who are the equivalent of beetles trying to survive right now? Could they be people?
I give you four elements from this story and four elements from another story. Tell me what they are and whether you think other people can see that or if its a flim-flam by an intellectual.
A variety of nations confront u.$. imperialism. Some have pro-life laws; others do not. One is Iran with its pro-life laws restricting abortion. There is a foul wind blowing in U.$. public opinion.a. Beetles= ?
Now MIM is always talking about dialectics "at the margin." What do you suppose this supposed magician concept
refers to?
a. All beetles are beetles after all.
b. The sea is a big place, bottomless really.
c. Indolent habit as Darwin said.
d. Sometimes a very small difference causes a big one down the line.
What is the question of the "margin" in the Darwin paragraph?
a. Sea
b. Beetle
c. Island
d. Wings
Now rename this margin thing "principal contradiction." Re-write the Darwin paragraph
to use the "principal contradiction" phrase.
The fake Maoists are accelerating their struggle for abortion right now.
What are they trying to increase?
a. The number of beetles or people.
b. The wind
6. The fake Maoists are punishing NOW via the abortion "choice" question right now. Why?
a. The choice struggle will spark the Revolution.
b. The choice struggle will help the Democrats.
c. The choice struggle will increase hostility toward Iran at the margin.
d. Blurring the principal contradiction decreases the chances of imperialist war's leading to revolutionary movement.
e. c and d
Did the beetles pray to God?
Was the principal contradiction something already in the reach of beetles as they existed or did they
think new ideas and then grow new wings? Or was it the other way around, where if they could think, they
would think new thoughts because they had short wings and survived and could see that.
Lebanon fought Israel. Imagine you are in Hezbollah. You think to yourself:
a. "I$rael has guns. So do we.
b. I$rael has military training. So do we.
c. Now we are going to add anti-tank squads with anti-tank missiles.
d. I$rael says it is the Chosen People. We are the oppressed, glory to Allah."
Which of the above lines is an example of reasoning "at the margin."
The Russian Revolution has happened. The bourgeoisie is in hand.
Even the tsar's family has been executed. How might this change your
attempt to apply dialectical materialism to the anti-monarchy struggle?
Three kinds of exploiters--slaveholders, feudals and capitalists.
1. Are they different, because some do not exploit labor? y/n
2. Are they different because some do not live a life of luxury? y/n
3. Are they different because they are not at the top of the political and social heap? y/n
4. Identify the factors that cause the capitalists to beat out the others.
Now refer to Mao in "On Contradiction."
What is the biggest question that takes a back seat to another question according to Mao?
Foremost question: ?
Biggest of the backseat questions: ?
Rewrite the story of the Chinese Revolution in one Darwin-style paragraph.
Who is the beetle?
What kind of wings did Mao say the Chinese people should put on?
Who ended up getting blown out to sea? What kind of beetles?
What did Darwin say was the principal question facing the beetles he saw mentioned in that paragraph?
What did Mao say were the candidates for the principal question facing the whole world's people?
Was abortion one of them?
How did Mao arrive at that? Is it an arbitrary choice? Is it "unhumyn" to say so? Is it "taking the place of god" to say so? Should we leave the question of beetles to god and what would be the political and social implications?
What are almost all supposedly Maoist
parties on record for right now regarding what the principal contradiction
for the whole world is?
If the proletariat is so powerful and can defeat all enemies just by gathering at the subway stop and
if communism is at hand, do we need dialectics of class struggle anymore? Is there a question of
"margin" anymore if no matter where the bourgeoisie or its proponents would try to show up it is 100% routed
and no new exploiters can arise?
What country's ruling class benefits the most in the world from opposing struggle as a general principle?
*Islamic lackeys opposing struggle
*Here is another
Islamic lackey of Uncle $am denouncing Darwin
*Here is leading Amerikan Christian
Pat Robertson supporting occupation of the Gaza Strip and opposing Darwin on the same page Try here if down
*Here are Taiwanese lackeys of Uncle $am
denouncing Darwin