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Send orders and inquiries to MIM Distributors
MIM runs a free books-for-prisoners program, distributing these materials free to prisoners as we can afford to. Donations of cash and books for this purpose are urgently needed. Make checks out to "MIM Distributors." Stamps OK.
MIM Theory No. 1, "A White Proletariat?" $4/32 pp. Explains why the North Amerikan white working class has never been on the side of Third World revolution. Empirical study and polemics with detractors.
MIM Theory No. 2-3, "Gender and Revolutionary Feminism." $6. 200+ pp. This special double issue sums up the past experience of feminist movements; focus on tackling the intersections between nation, class and gender theory to build the best way forward.
MIM Theory No. 4, "A Spiral Trajectory: The Failure and Success of Communist Development." $6/100 pp. Continuing polemics, essays on the ex- USSR, China, Cuba, Yugoslavia.
MIM Theory No. 5, "Diet for a Small Red Planet." $6. The place of Line, Strategy and Tactics for the future of communist revolution. Previous debates continued.
MIM Theory No. 6, "The Stalin Issue." $6/100 pp. MIM's longest critique and review of Stalin biographies and histories. United Front, Three Worlds Theory, etc.
MIM Theory No. 7, "Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Nationalism on the Communist Road." $6/128 pp. MIM's take on national liberation past, present and future in North Amerika. Specific national struggles (Black, Latino, Filipino, Irish) and general theory. Many reviews.
MIM Theory No. 8, "The Anarchist Ideal & Communist Revolution." $6/112 pp. From Krondstadt to the Spanish Civil War to France in 1968, reviews of the failure of Anarchism's best efforts. Also MIM's own anarchist wind, many reviews, and follow-up on national questions.
MIM Theory No. 9, "Psychology & Imperialism." $6/92 pp. The tyranny of psychology exposed, psychology and gender, psychology in practice, reviews of "radical" psychology, mental health in revolutionary China, and the testimonial of a formerly suicidal revolutionary. Plus the Bell Curve, more on anarchism, and sectarian reviews.
MIM Theory No. 10, "Coming to Grips with the Labor Aristocracy." $ 6/94 pp. Brings the Comintern debates about the labor aristocracy to bear on imperialist countries today, updates MIM's empirical study of the white working class today, brings the Maoism of the Black Panther Party 1968-1969. With a long review of the latest W.E.B. Du Bois biography and many other reviews and theory shorts.
Feminism Study Pack. $5 Essays on Marxism and feminism, violence against women, feminism and psychology. By MIM and non-MIM authors.
MIM Bound Volume. $20. Contains MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13. Plus the organization's founding documents, "RIM Manifesto on the International Situation and the Prospects for Revolution"; MIM's infamous analysis of sectarian lines in the United States, "What's your line?"; "RADACADS' History," on the origins of MIM, and other primary source material on Amerikan Maoism.
Peru Study Pack. $15. News and analysis from MIM Notes and other U.S. publications, original party documents of the Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso).
RCP Study Pack. $15. Contains "Third Draft of MIM Critique of the RCP," "The Decline of the RCP: A polemic by the Organization for Revolutionary Unity," reviews of the RCP's political economy and more.
Retaking History. $5. MIM's study pack on Josef Stalin. Includes polemics with Trotskyists reprinted from MIM Notes, articles defending Stalin and exploration of real historical alternatives to Stalinism.
What is MIM? 2nd edition $2. A 20-page pamphlet with theoretical essays on major aspects of MIM line, Maoism and the Party's strategy. What's your line? $1. MIM's analysis of all other communist trends in the United States from an Amerikan Maoist perspective. Concrete examples which distinguish Hoxhaites, Trotskyists, Stalinists, Maoists, armchair lefties and more. Free with a one year subscription to MIM Notes. Anti-Imperialist Study Pack. $15. An anthology of factual and analytical essays by communist authors and MIM Notes, this pack helps answer such crucial questions as why war happen and why socialist revolution is inevitable.
State Capitalist Study Pack. $15. Contains Mao Zedong's "Critique of Soviet Economics," W.B. Bland's The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union and Charles Bettelheim's China Since Mao. Also included are MIM Theory articles on State Capitalism and reprints from MIM Notes on the state capitalist countries.
Maoism and the Black Panther Party. $2. The Panthers on gender and the Little Red Book; "Black Panther Party: Maoists of the 60s."
Prisoners Speak. $5. Five years of MIM correspondence with prisoners. Includes articles by prisoners on current repression as well as polemics with MIM on nationalism, focoism and revolution.
Support the People's War in Peru. $3. 40 pages of news of the Communist Party of Peru and the Peruvian revolution reprinted from MIM Notes.
Krooth, Richard. Arms and Empire. $8. This book covers economic history and roots of World Wars I and II and is key to understanding the present WWIII.
Sakai, J. Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat. $10. This shocking history of the United States from the viewpoint of the international proletariat argues that most "Amerikans" are bought off allies of U.S. imperialism.
Shanghai People's Press. The Fundamentals of Political Economy. $15. A basic introduction to Marxist political economy and the economic laws of socialism and communism. Required text for all MIM members.
Wheeelwright, E.L. & McFarlane, Bruce. The Chinese Road to Socialism: Economics of the Cultural Revolution. $7. Information and explanation of the economic organization and strategy of the most advanced economy seen in history yet. Economic analysis of the need for the Cultural Revolution.
Cummings, Nicholas. "Angola: A Case Study in Neo- colonialism." $2. Fanon, Franz. The Wretched of the Earth. $5.
Mahmood Mamdani. Imperialism and Fascism in Uganda. $7. Exposing both the Soviet and U.S. role.
Mbira Newsnotes. $3. The Network issue of organizations opposed to apartheid and U.S. complicity. Great directory and resource.
Rodney, Walter. How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. $9.
South Africa Study Pack. $3. Essays on the relevance of political and economic analysis to social change in South Africa, plus figures on the extent of U.S. interests in Apartheid.
Thlatsi. $2. Volume 1 of the journal of Azanian Maoists.
Organization for Revolutionary Unity (ORU). "Central America: Imperialism and Revolution." $3. Information on U.S. military role, liberation groups and the Soviet attempt to sell-out the revolution. March 1983.
Central America Information Packet. $5. Includes "US Interventions in Central America: Myths and Facts," "9 Myths about Central America," "Salvador Observer: Arms' source illusive," and "Central America in Crisis," "In Your Name: How the CIA uses the AFL-CIO in Central America," "El Salvador: The People Will Win," "The Labor Movement in Central America," "American Imperialism Strikes Again: Tiny Grenada Invaded by Marines," "How Israel supports the U.S. role in Central America: The Arms Connection," "The Militarization of Central America."
Bettelheim, Charles. China Since Mao. $6. The most well-known demonstration that a revisionist and counterrevolutionary coup took place in China since 1976.
Bettelheim, Charles. Cultural Revolution and Industrial Organization in China. $4. How things actually changed in Beijing and Shanghai factories.
John and Elsie Collier. China's Socialist Revolution. $6.
Colorado Study Group. The Capitalist Roaders are still on the Capitalist Road. $10. An excellent theoretical treatment of the capitalist counterrevolution in China within months of its occurrence. Excerpts from the best of Cultural Revolution arguments against Deng and company.
Esmein, Jean. The Chinese Cultural Revolution. $6. The best comprehensive look at the 1966-69 period.
Goldwasser, Janet and Dowty, Stuart. Huan-Ying: Workers' China. $6. First-hand account from a visit by two Western socialists.
Gurley, John. China's Economy and the Maoist Strategy. $9. Political economy in critique of bourgeois economic theory.
Hinton, William. Fanshen. $15. Eyewitness account of the Chinese Revolution (1949) against landlords and Japanese imperialism with a focus on one village where Hinton lived.
Hinton, William. Hundred Day War. $6. The battle at Tsinghua University as a center of the Cultural Revolution, interesting factional details.
Hinton, William. Turning Point in China. $5. An historical introduction to the Cultural Revolution.
Park, Henry. "Post Revolutionary China and the Soviet NEP," Research in Political Economy. $3.
Dr. J.S. Horn. Away with all Pests. $7.
Macciocchi, Maria Antonietta. Daily Life in Revolutionary China. $10. A 500-page discussion of every facet of China at its revolutionary height in 1970 and 1971. Macciocchi was one of the first Westerners allowed in Cultural Revolution China. As a member of the Italian CP who leaned towards Mao she was allowed to see whatever she wanted in China.
Nee and Peck, eds. China's Uninterrupted Revolution. $12. A critique of modernization theory, revisionism and bourgeois economic theory.
The Political Economy of the Counterrevolution in China: 1976-84. $10. Historical roots of the counterrevolution: counterrevolution in science and technology, agricultural appropriation by the state capitalist class, capitalist industry, trade union farce, sexism, coercion of labor out of labor-power, the anarchy of production, worsening of the division of labor.
Sidel, Ruth. Families of Fengsheng: Urban Life in China, $5.
Sidel, Ruth. Women and Childcare in China. $5. An important first-hand account of Cultural Revolution practices marred only by one hasty chapter which compares China to Israel and the Soviet Union.
Victor and Ruth Sidel. Serve the People: Observations on Medicine in the People's Republic of China. $6.
Science for the People. China: Science Walks on Two Legs. $5. An exploration of the development of popular science in China, how a backwards country like China was able to balance technological development.
Snow, Edgar. Red Star Over China. $8. A journalistic account of the Chinese revolution. Covers the period before the alliance with the Kuomintang and the struggle to form that alliance.
Snow, Edgar. The Long Revolution. $8. An account of China which includes details of the "barefoot doctors", medical care, People's communes and struggle before during and after the Cultural Revolution.
Tsokas, Kosmas. "The Political Economy of Cuban Dependence on the Soviet Union," Theory and Society. $2
"Why Castro turns to Capitalism in Cuba." U.S. News and World Report. August 1981. $1.
East Timor International Conference Report. $2. Articles by various experts on East Timor including Noam Chomsky.
Kollantai, Alexandra. "Communism and the Family." $4. Pamphlet with MIM critique.
MacKinnon, Catharine A. Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law. $15. A radical approach to pornography, sex, abortion, economic privilege, sexual harassment, etc. While MacKinnon's theory falls into inconsistency through advocacy of reformist legal practice, it served as the backbone of MIM's developing work on gender as a sexual hierarchy.
ORU. Working Women and the Struggle for Women's Liberation: A Revolutionary Perspective on Working Women in the United States. $7. Analysis of demography, division of labor, the family, the need for organizing pink collar workers and past mistakes of the U.S. left in organizing or not organizing women.
Redstockings. Feminist Revolution. Send $11 to Archives for Action Distribution Project, P.O. Box 2625, Gainesville, FL 32602
Sparr, Pamela. "What is Structural Adjustment?" and "Feminist Critiques of Structural Adjustments." $2.
The Woman Question. Selections from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. $3.
Iranian People's Fedaii Guerrillas, "Draft of the Program." $2.
Rokach, Livia. Israel's Sacred Terrorism. $5. Exposes fascist origins of Israeli state with excerpts from Moshe Sharett's diary.
Ryan, Sheila and Hallaj, Muhammed. Palestine is but not in Jordan. $5. Exposure of the Zionist myth that the Palestinian state exists in Jordan.
Shahak, Israel. Israel's Global Role: Weapons for Repression. $5. Damning documentation of Israel's gun-running to everybody including Central America, neo-Nazis in Argentina and apartheid rulers in South Africa. Censored in Israel.
Stevens, Janet. The Israeli use of U.S. Weapons in Lebanon. $5.
"Nuclear Arms Race & Interventionism." $1. The causes of the arms race and why a single issue freeze movement is not enough.
Aldridge, Robert. First Strike! The Pentagon's Strategy for Nuclear War. $10. Incredible inside look by nuclear engineer who built the weapons that only have use as first strike weapons.
Barnet & Muller. Global Reach. $6. Valuable information about the multinationals and the myth of their services to the Third World.
"Soviet Multinational Corporations." Fortune. $1.
Interview with Chairman Gonzalo. $6.
An introduction to the People's War in Peru. June 1995. $2. "Fundamental Documents," Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru. 1988. $4.
"On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism." PCP. 1988. $4.
"On the Rectification campaign based on the study of the document 'No to Elections! Yes to People's War'" PCP. 1991. $2.
Andreas, Carol. When Women Rebel: the Rise of Popular Feminism in Peru. $14.
The Philippine Revolution: The Leader's View. By Jose Maria Sison. Communist Party of the Philippines founder's account of the revolution. $15. Distributed with MIM Theory 5 chapter 7...
Publications of the NDF International Office: "Documents of Exploratory Talks" March 1995. $2; "Rising up in Arms" March 1995. $2; "On the U.N. World Summit for Social Development and official 'Development Assistance' in the Philippines" March 1995. $1.
Information--Publications Desk BAYAN International--PIGLAS "The truth about the Ramos Regime" August 1994. $2.
"TNI-Sponsored Conference: A dialogue of neocolonialism" $1.
"Development Divergence: Reformism in the Philippine NGO community" by Peasant Update Philippines, reprinted by BAYAN. $1.
"On the GRD-NDFP Peace negotiations" March 1995. $1.
Rebolusyon: Theoretical and Political Journal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines. "Carry the rectification movement through to the end and advance the revolutionary cause in an all-round way" by Armando Liwanag. December 1994. $4.
"Stand for Socialism against modern revisionism" by Armando Liwanag. April-June 1992. $4.
"On the question of stages in the Philippine Revolution; The Character of Philippine Society and the two-stage revolution; Social investigation: Southern Tagalog 1994 the conditions of the most exploited and oppressed classes and sectors" $4.
"Current trends in the Agrarian Front." Paper presented by the IRDF. October 1994. $1.
Liberation International. A publication of the International Office of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDF). $3 per issue.
Maoism and the New People's Army. $3. 65-page document from the Maoist study group. Includes "CCP's International Relation: A Backyard to Revisionism and Soviet Hegemonism," "Interview with Comrade Liwang in An Bayan, the official organ of the CCP," "Rectify and Rebuild the Party."
Committee for a Proletarian Party (ORU). "Poland: Is this Socialism?" $2.
Bland, W.B. The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union. $7. The facts about the political economy of the Soviet Union right out of the official Soviet journals and press.
Mao Zedong. A Critique of Soviet Economics. $10. Mao's criticisms of Stalin and current revisionist leadership of China.
How the Soviet Revisionists Carry out all-round restoration of capitalism in the USSR. Peking, Foreign Language Press. 1968. $4.
Nicolaus, Martin. The Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union. $5. Serialized in the Guardian and used by the October League.
Organization for Revolutionary Unity. "Nature of Soviet Society." $2.
Park, Henry, "Post-revolutionary China and the Soviet NEP," Research in Political Economy. $2.
Revolutionary Union. How Capitalism was Restored in the Soviet Union and what this means for the World Struggle. $10. Despite a few weaknesses, this remains the most convincing single argument regarding the capitalist nature of the Soviet Union.
Strong, Anna Louise. The Stalin Era. $10.
Herman, Edward. The Real Terror Network. $8.
Adelson, Alan. SDS. $10. A journalistic description of student groups and activities at the forefront of the movement against the Vietnam War and the subsequent splits in Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The book shows what heady days for revolution the 60s were for at least one strata in U.S. society.
The Black Panther Party Community Newspaper. Clippings and copies of the paper from 1969-1971. $8.
Churchill, Ward & Vander Wall, Jim. Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement. $16. History of the birth of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a detailed account of the FBI's work at infiltrating, and splitting and wrecking revolutionary organizations; history of murders and frame- ups. Demonstrates the extent of the threat the U.S. government poses to anti- imperialist movements, and the long- term futility of the FBI's work.
Edwards, H.W. Labor Aristocracy: Mass Base for Social Democracy. $10. Hard-hitting and scientific explanation for the lack of proletarian revolution in the West, especially the U.S. Finds labor aristocracy to be majority population of the U.S. and allied with the bourgeoisie to plunder the Third World.
Foner, Philip. ed. The Black Panthers Speak. $10. Revolutionary militance from the 60s that makes most of today's politics pale in comparison.
Jacobs, Harold, ed. Weatherman. $15. Includes different points of view and revolutionary critique of terrorism. Relevant given government hype about "left" terrorism, new FBI operations against "terrorists" and legal clearance for "pre- emptive strikes" against terrorists.
Newton, Huey P. Revolutionary Suicide. $10.
Newton, Huey P. To Die for the People. $10.
Palante: The Young Lords Party. $4.
Reiman, Jeffrey H. The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, 2nd Edition. $8. This non-Marxist but extremely valuable book unintentionally points to the internal social base for revolution in the US. Offers one explanation of how the proletariat ends up in prison.
The Essential Left. Includes the "Manifesto of the Communist Party;" "Value, Price & Profit;" "Socialism, Utopian & Scientific;" and "The State and Revolution." $6.
Feuer, Lewis S., ed. Marx & Engels: Basic writings on politics and philosophy. $5.
Marx and Engels. Selected Works in one Volume. $8.
Mendel, Arthur. The Essential Works of Marxism. $5. Survey of writings from Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and marxologists.
Selsam & Martel, eds. Reader in Marxist Philosophy. $7. Covers Marx, Engels & Lenin on what is Marxism, materialism vs. idealism, dialectics, theory of knowledge, materialist interpretation of history, religion, ethics, and the formative period of Lenin's party.
Tucker, Robert, ed. The Marx-Engels Reader. $6. (1st edition) $9 (2nd edition). Most comprehensive.
Bottomore and Rubel, eds. Karl Marx: Selected writings in sociology and social philosophy. $5.
The Civil War in France. $4.
Communist Manifesto. $2.
Critique of the Gotha Program. $5.
Easton and Gruddat, eds. Writings of the Young Marx on Philosophy and Society. $6.
The Portable Karl Marx. $6.
The Poverty of Philosophy. $4.
Value, Price and Profit. $3.
Wages, Price & Profit. $2.
Anti-Duhring. $6.
Revolution and Counter-revolution in Germany. $4
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. $2.
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. $9.
A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism. $2.
A Characterisation of Economic Romanticism. $2.
The Collapse of the Second International. $2.
A Great Beginning. $1.
Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. $3. The classic analysis of imperialism as the inevitable development of capitalism.
Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder. $3. Why to compromise on a tactical level but never give in on principles and long-range strategy.
Lenin on the National Liberation Movement. $3.
Lenin on the National Question and Colonial Question. Three Articles. $2.
Lenin on the revolutionary proletarian Party of a new type. $2.
Lenin's predictions on the revolutionary storms in the East. $2.
Letters from Afar. $2.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. $5.
On the development of heavy industry and electrification. $3.
On strikes. $1.
Provisional Revolutionary Governments. $1.
The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky. $3. Why we need a dictatorship of the proletariat.
The Right of Nations to Self-Determination. $3.
Speeches at Congresses of the Communist International. $4.
State and Revolution. $3. A truly visionary view of the state.
Two Tactics of Social-Democracy. $4. Against the unnecessary alliance with the bourgeoisie.
War and Peace. $3. Why the fight for socialism is one of the necessary steps for the abolition of war and why revolutionary war is usually needed.
What is to be Done? $5. Why have a party, why have a party press, and why anti-revisionism is essential to party-building.
What the "Friends of the People" are and How they Fight the Social Democrats. $4.
Will the Bolsheviks Retain State Power? $2.
The Young Generation. $2.
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR. $3.
Franklin, Bruce, ed. The Essential Stalin. $7. Major theoretical writings 1905-1952.
Marxism and the National Question. $2.
Marxism and the National-Colonial Question. $6.
Marxism and the Problems of Linguistics. $2.
The National Question and Leninism. $2.
The October Revolution and the question of the Middle Strata. $1.
The October Revolution and the tactics of the Russian Communists. $3.
On Organization. $2.
On the Opposition. $15.
Political Report of the Central Committee to the 15th Congress. $3.
The Provisional Revolutionary Government and Social-Democracy. $1.
Regarding the Question of Bolshevism. $2.
A reply to social democrats. $1.
The Foundations of Leninism. $4.
Chairman Mao Talks to the People. $9. Most important talks including some from the Cultural Revolution.
Four Essays on Philosophy. $4.
New Democratic Constitutionalism. $2.
On Contradiction. $2.
On correcting mistake ideas in the Party. $1.
On Literature and Art. $5.
On New Democracy, Talks at Yenan, On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People, Speech at the Chinese Communist Party's National Conference on Propaganda Work. $4.
On Policy. $1.
On the Question of Agricultural Co-operation. $2.
Poems. $4.
The Miscellany of Mao Tse-Tung. $25. 500 pages of rare writings and speeches.
A single spark can start a prairie fire. $1.
Where do correct ideas come from? $1.
Mavrakis, Kostas. On Trotskyism. $10. Historical exposure of Trotsky, theoretical treatment of Mao and Trotsky, the best polemic against Trotsky.
Venu. Philosophical Problems of Revolution. $15. Treats contemporary philosophical issues especially the problem of mechanicism and economism. Addressed to communists with some knowledge of Mao, the Cultural Revolution and the class struggle under socialism. Written by an Indian Maoist while in prison.
Marx & Engels. Manifesto del Partido Communista. $2.
Marx. Salario, Precio y Ganancia. $3.
Lenin. Carlos Marx y Federico Engels. $3.
Lenin. Materialismo y Empiriocriticismo. $7.
Lenin. Quienes son los "Amigos del Pueblo" y Como Luchan Contra los Socialdemocratas. $4.
Que es el MIM? $2.
Stalin. Cuestiones del Leninismo. $10.
Stalin. Los Fundamentos del Leninismo. $3
Tres Articulos de Lenin sobre la Guerra y la Paz.