This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.

Maoist Internationalist Movement

1996 MIM Congress

Assorted resolutions on age of sexual consent, statutory rape, sex education


July 15

1. In May, New Hampshire police arrested a man for statutory rape of his fiancee, because she is 15.

The mother of the girl approved their successful plans to get the girl pregnant, but social workers turned them in to cops.

In July, a 37-year-old woman in Massachusetts was arrested for raping a 13 year-old boy.

By law, a minor cannot consent to sex.

Why the age of consent should be legally lowered to 13.
1. We have too many people in prison anyway.
2. These socially approved cases of sex with teenagers are the exception, but they prove the existence of double standards. The prosecution of the bio woman is the exception not the rule and cannot succeed in breaking down gender roles within the current context.
3. The argument that 13 year-olds don't know their bodies is age oppression. Some adults never come to desire sex; there should be nothing remarkable about discovering or not discovering such desire. No one should be traumatized one way or another; such is religious tomfoolery.
4. Opposition is paternalist. So what if a kid makes a mistake at age 13? Adults make them too.
Boston Globe, July 11, 1993, p. 23.

July 15
2. Sex ed under dictatorship of the proletariat

Sex education will be mandatory by age 11. Instruction will include all birth control devices and STDs.

Parents who attempt to endanger their children's health through ignorance will be forcibly repressed if necessary. The health rights of children including health education are non-negotiable.

An example of the potential death penalty for a parent would occur in the case of Christian Scientists who allow their children to die through a refusal to let the child have modern medicine. Currently, Christian Scientists allow their children to die from time to time and they are no different than parents generally who regard their children as property.

Under the dictatorship of the proletariat all efforts will be made to publicly educate children, but in those instances where the superstitions of adults interfere, we will not hesitate to make examples of some of these would be slave-owners known as parents.

"MIM supports lowering the legal age of consent to 13. Where the legal age of consent is already lower than 13, MIM does not currently support raising it." Insert this immediately before the sentence, "Why the age of consent should be legally lowered to 13.

July 22
4. 1. In the imperialist countries and their internal semi-colonies, age is principal over gender in the statutory rape and adolescent sexual rights and responsibilities issues.

July 22

5. 2. If age is principal over gender [as it was so voted--ed.], we want "adult" ideas of bourgeois consent to apply to 13 year-olds. [The vote was in increments, 16, 15, 14, 13--13 was the lowest age approved by the party majority--ed.]

July 22
6. Under the socialist dictatorship of the proletariat, we will still have a sense in which children live in pre-bourgeois social relations, unable to consent as is appropriate for economic and sexual intercourse in the bourgeois exploiters' and oppressors' world. For this reason, we will still have laws specifically protecting the group of wimmin so oppressed.

We will recognize such laws as a relic of class society, but not all repressive laws can be abolished in the first stage of socialism. That can be achieved only under anarchist communism, when the species has reached a much higher level of civilization. We shall instead seek to push back the age of legal consent further and further as socialist education progresses.

July 26

8. 1. MIM does not see a qualitative difference between any two sexual interactions so much based on how those interactions are carried out so much as what social groups are carrying out those interactions.

We see qualitative differences amongst sexual interactions all of which are rape based on at least three categories.
1. Socially constructed men raping socially constructed men.
That is gender oppressors raping gender oppressors.
2. Gender oppressed people being raped by gender oppressors.
3. Gender oppressed people raping gender oppressed people.

9. 2. In addition to 1, if 1 passes, we will also distinguish between the social group of gender (net) oppressed people who enjoy conditions of bourgeois consent and those who exist under conditions of pre-capitalist oppression, especially children not allowed to choose their oppressors. The distinction between pre-capitalist gender relations and capitalist gender relations will be deemed qualitative.

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