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Top Pigs Provoke Prisoner Suicide
...Inside the paper [MIM Notes] you ask for prisoners to write articles telling about experiences inside the belly of the beast. I'm not very good at expressing my thoughts but i witnessed something last night that i feel the whole world should know about because it was indeed a tragedy at best.
While in the (RHU) Restricted Housing Unit in Smithfield, the pigs relentless provoked a fellow inmate to slit his wrists in the attempt to escape the pain and misery forced on him by Uncle Sam's devilish pigs! They fabricated misconduct reports and he had a year in the hole. It's bad enough to have a life sentence, but it's hard to maintain when you see no end to the hole either.
The man was stressed and the pigs sensed this vulnerability. Instead of trying to prevent a tragedy, they caused one. They knew this man had a history of psychological problems, had previously tired to take his life in the same RHU, and that he was not stable to deal with this hell. They should have put him where he could have gotten some help. The brother repeatedly told the devils that he could not take it any more, but his pleas went unanswered.
The night he slit his wrists, he wrote on the cell walls in blood and feces, "If I die tonight it's because they..." (and he put each officer's name who participated) "...keep fucking with me!" I don't know if the brother pulled through. He deserves to anyway....
To all Comrades, -- A Pennsylvania Prisoner, May 1998
Top Murder in a Supermax
Warm Greetings Comrades,
...Even though the incident I write about is months old I will not stop my pursuit to seek justice for the untimely death and murder of Lawrence Williams.
Mr. Williams was murdered at the hand of Captain Mangiafico due to racial motivations. Mr. Williams was summary executed because he had the gall to disrespect a white racist nurse named Debbie Kindness. (Her name belies her mentality.)
I have run into a brick wall in my attempt to have Mr. Williams's death investigated. The DOC has stonewalled from the beginning, claiming to be investigating while only hoping that the passage of time will soon smooth things over. I write this in hopes of opening the door to have someone who knows Mr. Williams's family to get in contact with me, via MIM.
The state is attempting to whitewash this young man's death by trying to make it appear that he died of natural causes. But that is a Lie. While Mr. Williams was having a severe asthma attack, Captain Mangiafico forced him to be cuffed behind his back and walk to the medical screening room. This was done in total disregard to the weeping cries and pleas of this young man that he could not breathe or walk. Mr. Williams collapsed and died on the spot.
Mr. Williams was having an escalating difficult time breathing due to the short cuts taken by the state when they built Northern. They have no filters in the ventilation system and dust is overwhelming in our cells. The DOC immediately started the cover-up of Mr. Williams's death only moments after he died, by sending Officer Prey and Officer Dipace to his cell. They removed the records of the lawsuit Williams was filing about the inadequate medical treatment he was receiving.
Help stop the cover up! Mr. Williams's family should be made aware of the real circumstances surrounding his death. In closing, remember that the people united will never be defeated.
-- A Connecticut Prisoner, 27 June 1998
Top Guards Wage Psychological Warfare
Last night, sadly, another disenfranchised, geographically isolated (by design), Michigan Prisoner (POW) became reactionary in the worst possible way. Unfortunately, he allowed the cyst'm's [system's] psychological ware mechanism to break his will to live and fight. Like so many others, he allowed the nation-state to crush all of his dreams, aspirations and hopes for a life of freedom and self-determination. Under a constant barrage of pig tauntings, fraudulently written misconduct reports, loss of privileges, and daily verbal abuse he gave up and attempted suicide by hanging himself.
Earlier today, another of Marquette Branch Prison's (MBP) dehumanized POW's went to great pains to cut and mutilate his body. He stood in front of his cage bars screaming incoherently at our captors. Of course, the black and gray uniformed gestapo pigs tormented and laughed at the obvious mental anguish this human being was suffering. Totally oblivious to any measure of compassion towards the mentally ill, with racist attitudes, the pigs and medical personnel were ever condescending in masochist eroticism from the onset, at the prospect of yet another successful execution of a man of color.
And why not? Where else can you subtly murder human beings in droves with complete legal immunity? Earn $45,000 a year, not including other benefits, and have USDA (United States Death Agency) approval while pretending to be a civilized, decent, patriotic citizen under Ole' Glory?
...Where does this leave POW's and the mentally ill among us? In a situation where we either wake up, become politicized and active. Or we can sit back glued to the stupid box (television), chase another ball (basketball, baseball, etc), close our eyes, ears to the injustice to the slow murder of a class, our people -- ourselves! and waste away in bondage...
"Take courage in hand. Get up off you knees and join the Revolutionary struggle. Find your humanity in the Revolutionary struggle..." --Comrade George Jackson
Yours in struggle, -- A Michigan Prisoner, 15 May 1998
P.S. Write to MIM Notes whenever someone near your cage attempts suicide or engages in self-mutilation. Provide the record, so that they can share it with the people.
Top Daily Beatings in Texas
Dear Comrades,
I was just brutally beaten by KKK Pigs on Michael Unit. Such Beatings go on everyday.
I'll tell everybody about what's going on. Thanks for the MIM Notes. It keeps me in touch with what's happening.
Here it just keeps getting worse and worse.
In the Struggle, -- A Texas Prisoner, [undated]
Top Prisoner Fights Chemical Agents
Dear MIM Notes,
I just wanted to and say thanks for the article about the Chemical Agents. I too am a prisoner in Texas who has been subjected to this chemical and I am here to tell you that it's a Bad Mother fuck. I have lawsuit in District Court for excessive use of this Chemical, and that article really helped me out. Just one more punch to use against this chemical.
Also I wanted to say, I thought you had stopped printing [MIM Notes], because it has been about six -seven months since I received my paper. But yesterday I got an issue that was postmarked December 5, 1997. Here it is six months later and I am just now getting it. I guess it has been sitting on the Warden's desk so he can get his eye-full of the oppressed nations fighting back. Thanks for everything.
Always real, -- A Texas Prisoner, 29 May 1998
Top Assaulted for Speaking Spanish
I am a North Carolina Prisoner. And as a member of the Latin Kings, I would like to say thanks a lot for keeping in touch with us.... I am writing to let you know a little bit about what's going down here in Raleigh Central Prison.
Well, this is not the first time I've been assaulted by the pigs. Now I know this is happening due to my nationality. Just the other day, we were hanging around the basketball court. The pigs told us not to speak Spanish or they were going to write us up for speaking a language they couldn't understand.
So I just said to them that I speak my language and will always speak it to prove to American people that we haven't forgotten where we came from. Also to prove that we were not immigrants of the continent because we didn't come to America, America came to us!
So check this out! Then these pigs assaulted me for no apparent reason. No they put us in separate units and want us to deny one another. These pigs are trying to break the bond of brotherhood -- which will not work. The reality is, putting us all together will only make us stronger....
Sincerely, -- A North Carolina Prisoner, 8 July 1998
Top Denied Parole for Winning Lawsuit
...In retaliation for a lawsuit, I was denied parole. A light fell on me and fucked me up. I sued the pigs and won. I have served 13 years of my 20-year sentence. I've been down since the age of 15 and they want more.
I was about to leave when the pigs put a knife in my cell. The fuckers set me up, but my cell partner took the beef. But when we went for a hearing they didn't listen. The hearing was rigged. They wanted me, even after my cell partner took the beef [claimed responsibility for the knife.]. I don't understand that.
So the pigs fucked up by giving me some papers which will show their guilt. They tried to make a deal to get the papers back. Fuck them. I tried to get help but they pointed me to their people. I ain't having no shit like that. ...
--- A Maryland Prisoner, 10 May 1998
Top Gulags use "Gangs" as excuse to Repress Latinos
In January 1998 the Hispanics were locked down on this unit!! After investigation of (2) months all were released from not to be gang members. Thereafter all were put in field, forced to work; as time went many were set up with cases for bullshit set up lock ups. I will not give lists of names for their lives are now in danger. I seek help for each of the men who are suffering. In March a new round up was done; many of the same offenders were locked back up even after being found not to be gang members but it doesn't matter, they are Hispanic and that alone makes them guilty!!! The warden has no proof, nothing to show reason for the lock up of these men!!! The system says it has not to answer to anyone, it does not have to go by any laws be them federal TDCJ or any other law.
-- A Texas prisoner, [undated]
Top Sensory Deprivation in California
...Here at X Prison security housing unit, the technological advancements celebrated by this oppressive nation (amerika) can best be seen as sophisticated instruments used to mentally and psychologically torture these imprisoned citizens of humanity. Where the institutional apparatus was once utilized to contain and subdue oppressed nations by physical force, technological advancements have now allowed for more subtle forms of abuse that achieve lethal consequences, affecting a slow death. It is called sensory deprivation.
...The courts have recently addressed the health care at X prison, and though minor changes have taken place, it is still inadequate. For example, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis, and other communicable diseases are not effectively screened and prisoners are housed in exposed settings untreated. If you have an addiction to drugs, there is no medical treatment available, unless you show signs of illness.
...There are no institutional programs for educating prisoners. The prison law library is a joke, with access limited to once a month, for two hours (physical) and material that is outdated. Further restrictions are occurring.
In Struggle, -- A California Prisoner, 2 June 98
Top Repressive Conditions in California
Dear MIM,
Thank you for the papers and letter you sent me. Solano stays on lockdown for the most bogus reasons imaginable. They are proposing to cut the law library out if you are not on appeal. I have a job as a porter but I don't get paid, however that doesn't stop them from taking restitution from the money my loved ones send. The only reason I have restitution is because San Francisco forces us to get a probation report, I declined one and the judge ordered it even though I was not eligible for probation.
More attention needs to be focused on the court system than the prisons. If we could get a fair trial a lot of us wouldn't be here now, me included. During the jury selection of my first trial, three Asian people told the judge they couldn't speak English. His reply was do the best you can. There was only one Afrikan out of 150 people who showed up to the jury pool. I had a hung jury. At my second trial, there were 3 Afrikans but only one made it on the jury...
The guards are real petty and they make up the rules as they go. The grooming standards haven't been approved be the courts but they still enforce them.
- A California Prisoner, undated
Top Update on California Conditions
I'm writing in response to your May 16th letter in which you requested ideas and insight on conditions here in prison so that a petition drive of some sort could be launched. Sounds good to me.
So, with this in mind I went ahead and out-lined (17) issues of our conditions here in prison which have an adverse effect on our lives but also can easily be met if the system chooses and of course they haven't. Most of these issues I have tried to address via inmate appeal with no results but I have my arguments and their responses if you feel they will be helpful.
I haven't received your publication in some time, even though I doubt they will let it in but if you can still keep me on your mailing list. I've some more stuff on this, which I'll forward next time, so this will be all for now. Did you ever receive the legal work I sent on censorship? The suit I filed. Let me know when you can.
In Struggle, -- A California Prisoner, 25 May 98
1. Education Services: There are no educational services available to prisoners. If prisoners are one day to return to society or even to the general population of a prison, then it would stand to reason that an education will greatly enhance his success. A prisoner's successful return to society or back into the general population of a prison should be an objective of c.d.c. but at present this is not the case. Insofar as educational or vocational training is concerned...
2. Yearly Exams: Yearly exams in the form of full physicals must be given to every prisoner who has been here for over three consecutive years. The basis for this is that the isolated and sterile environment endured by prisoners in here has yet to be fully studied, as to its impact. Therefore, a constant monitoring of prisoners' health is a necessity...
3. Confidential Exams: At present medical examinations are given in full view of others which discourages prisoners from seeking the medical attention they may need. A cloth partition can easily be installed to at least give the semblance of privacy.
4. End Medical and Dental Co-Payments: Adequate health care is a right and not a privilege. Health care is also not only for those who can afford it. The current system of co-payment discourages prisoners from seeking the health care they may need now, which in turn may prevent more serious and costly health problems down the road. Also, prisoners here are not allowed to work, therefore, do not receive a Prisoner's Pay Number and so one must rely on family and friends for anything more than state issue which does not include shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.
5. Good Behavior Credit: Currently those prisoners in here who are serving indeterminate terms are penalized for their disruptive behavior but are not given credit for their good behavior and clean time. Good behavior and clean time should count as a mitigating factor when determining their classification and privilege status as their disruptive behavior is used as an aggravating factor.
6. Monthly Phone Calls: Prisoners here are not allowed any personal phone calls. The prison is located at the northern point of California, making visiting difficult and costly, especially for children and the elderly. Family and community ties are essential to a prisoner's success while incarcerated and vital to a prisoner's eventual release back into society.
7. Yearly Photos: Prisoners here are not allowed to take or have taken any pictures of themselves which they can send to family and friends. Again, due to the location of the prison, most prisoners do not receive visits and some go years without their family or friends ever seeing what they look like, or ever hearing their voices, let alone being face to face on a rare visit.
8. Appliances: At present, prisoners here most purchase their appliances solely from one outside source which eliminates all competition and leaves prisoners at the mercy of their pricing. Furthermore, prisoners here cannot leave their appliances upon parole or transfer to a prison of his choice, as allowed other prisoners throughout the system. Thereby forcing each new prisoner in here to purchase a new appliance from the only outside source and at their prices...
9. Yard Equipment: Prisoners are kept in their cells 22.5 hours a day with only 1.5 hours of "outdoor" exercise. This so-called "outdoor" exercise involves going out alone or with your cellie to a bare concrete enclosure which consists of four 30-feet walls, a patch of sky and a storm drain. There is no equipment of any sort (none/zero) available to prisoners to exercise with in order to maintain proper health which is vital in combating the rigors and proven psychological effects of the prison...
10. Greater Variety For Annual Packages: At present, prisoners are only allowed one package per year from home. This package is limited to 30 lbs. and items approved are severely limited. Moreover, prisoners are restricted from any attempt to supplement their health or dietary needs while in prison. Because they are not allowed to receive any vitamins or health food products in their annual package... 11. Greater and Healthier Variety At The Prison Canteen: Items available at the prison canteen for prisoners are severely limited. There are no healthy food products available. Thereby restricting prisoners from supplementing their health or dietary needs.
12. Increase Spending At Canteen: Prisoners are currently allowed to spend $35 per month at the prison canteen. The $35 spending limit has been in effect for over ten years. Even though prices at the canteen has risen yearly...
13. Voice in Inmate Welfare Fund: Even though prisoners must pay into the inmate welfare fund, when using the prison canteen and when ordering their appliances, but they have no say in how the fund is spent. Prisoners do not receive their fair share of the spending on programs here primarily because there are no recreational or educational programs.
14. Toothbrushes: Prisoners are not allowed to purchase their own toothbrushes at the prison canteen nor are they allowed to receive one in their annual packages. Therefore, prisoners must rely solely on those toothbrushes issued by the prison which are inferior and wear out under normal use before the monthly exchange. Worn or frayed bristles are proven to be a cause for various gum disease.
15. Warm Clothes: Even though prisoners in here are allowed to buy thermals via special purchase but not everyone can afford them and the state issued paper thin jumpsuits inadequate for the concrete and cold of the prison. Therefore, state issued watch caps and sweatshirts are a necessity and those who can afford these items could purchase them via special purchase or at the canteen.
16. Improve Inmate Appeal: Currently the appeal system fails to adequately address and investigate our grievances. Rubber-stamped denials and uninvestigated claims are the routine which make any appeal meaningless...
17. Legal Assistance: Prisoners are limited in seeking legal assistance to their own unit. They are also only allowed this assistance if they can find it, to a (10) day period and during this period are allowed to pass a total of (12) handwritten pages (6 per week) and are not allowed to pass transcripts or court documents...
Plea for Reading Material
I am very pleased to see that more than myself is aware that the criminal injustice system is nothing more than a tool for social control wielded against the oppressed nations. And I would like to thank you for your genuine concern to those of us who are less fortunate and held captive behind these walls. Today I received my first issue of MIM Notes and after studying them and re-reading them, those of us that are held captive in the womb of our enemy down here in Texas are in much need of your enlightened material and I have many fellow brothers who are dedicated to the struggle, but due to the lack of doe they pay us in the Texas injustice system makes it hard for us to provide food to feed the mind or soul, and if something is not fed daily it will die slowly from starvation, so I ask of you to please continue sending me MIM Notes, as well as literature and books! If possible books on the Black Panther Party, Marxism-Maoism, Lenin, political, and about economics as well as of Malcolm X. These materials I not only ask on my behalf but on many other brothers' behalf as well.
Your brother in the Struggle, -- A Texas Prisoner, 15 May 98